Monday, April 2, 2012

Snorkeling At Gab Gab

So my friend asked me if I would go snorkeling with her yesterday.  I thought about it quite a bit and decided that I should go.  They always see cool stuff when they go so I figured why not.  I was able to get quite a few pictures with my underwater camera and Jessie's hubby was able to get some with his camera.  Here are some of the pictures from yesterday.

There's a better one of the octopus.

He was mad, so he went into his hole in the rock.

Check out the size of that big guy!

He didn't want to hang out with me.

These guys are funny.  They will come at you if you get to close to their little homes.

Funky looking fish huh?

Be honest, did you picture a giant shark coming out of that deep dark hole right there???  Because I did, about a million times in the hour we were out there.

More clown fish.

I was trying to make the clown fish come towards my hand, didn't quite make it far enough down.

There were a ton of fish in that school.  

We were trying to get one of me and the octopus but this wasn't happening.

Here's a super awesome one of the octopus and so is the one below.

This is when he was crawling over the plants at the bottom to get away from us...he was really getting mad.

This guy scared the crap out of me...thought he was a barracuda!!

It's Gill from Nemo!!

I was pretty far down there.  Funny story with this picture, Jessie was using my camera to try to get one also but instead, we had the video was hilarious the way I "floated" back up to the top!!!

That was part of me drifting back up!  Like I said, hilarious.

Jessie and I, take 1.

Take 2, Love this picture!

Cute little guy.

More Nemo fishies. :)

Jessie and I getting a closer look at things.

My form is amazing, I should have been a synchronized swimmer! ;)

He was protecting his house.

More of the fish school.

It was crazy to see all of these guys together.

Extreme close up of the octopus.

Jessie's husband got one of me and the octopus. :)

During the time we spent looking at the octopus, I kept picturing the kracken from movies and thinking that if I made this guy too mad he would come up and grab me and fold me in half...not really how I wanted to spend my day.  I decided to keep my distance.  I was surprised he was still there when we got back in.  

While we were out near the drop off, and I know everyone that's watched Nemo over and over again with their kids just heard Marlin in their heads saying, "THE DROP OFF?!?!", so back to the deep black hole of nothingness...I started thinking of the shiny part of my camera attracting a barracuda, or a shark face coming out while the jaws theme played in my head...bad thoughts ran through my head as the choppy water splashed salt water into my mouthpiece and my tiny hair strands that were in my mask caused the salt water to seep into my mask.  Towards the end of the adventure I had swallowed quite a bit of water both from it getting into my mouth and through my nose, I had gotten salt water in my eyes about 5 times now, my ears were about to burst when I went underwater too far, but it was great.  Not only did I lose 2 pounds from this trip but it only cost me $0.75.  No, you don't have to pay to go snorkeling, I just tried to get a water (soda after realizing that there wasn't a water button AFTER putting in my money) from the machine at the beach only to realize that it would not take coins nor give them back to me.  I now know not to use coins at that machine ever again.  


So this morning I decided that I was going to install Madison's new bike seat, the nice foamy, cushioned springy one.  I did it and decided that I too would ride a bike to school and then go on my ride from there.  I actually had that bike seat installed within 2 minutes and grabbed Glenn's bike and we were on our way...until I realized that his tires were low...I reopened the garage door, quickly located the electric pump, prayed that the outlet worked now that Glenn had fixed the other one (it did!) and pumped up those tires faster than I have before.  The kids were worried we'd be late for school but were obviously unaware that it only takes about 3 minutes to get there by bike.  They were on time.  I told Madison that I should have brought a plastic bag to put over her seat just in case it rained...she said that would be embarrassing and frowned.  I told her I'd put it on after she went inside and take it off before she came back out...she wasn't too fond of that idea.  I just know that we paid $16 for her new "comfy" seat and didn't want the weather to ruin it.  

So I left and went on my way, I rode the same route that I do when I run.  I think running it was much much easier, it just takes a little longer, okay, a lot longer.  The hills killed me, my butt still hurts and I didn't get as much of a workout as I thought it would be.  I sweat so much more when I run.  I'm thinking running is the way to go.  

Other than that, I'm going to clean house today, make cupcakes, go to the store to get some tootsie rolls or some white, pink and orange candies for the cupcakes (pictures of them were in the previous blog) and get a move on.  I'm ready for Glenn to be back home and I'm sure he is too.  I hope the octopus decides to stay there so he can see it and we can show it to the kids too.  

Glenn has duty today so any email to him would be appreciated. :)

He gets to go white water rafting tomorrow so I hope he has a good time.  

I hope everyone has a great day and night.

1 comment:

  1. I have been corresponding with him. Getting him all caught up on our news. Love the pics! Remember these days when you get back to snow and freezing weather! LOL
