Thursday, April 19, 2012

No pictures today...just words

Not too many of them either.  I just wanted to make sure everyone knew that we were still alive and kicking.  Glenn got back on Monday and we had surprised him by letting him think that the kids were at school, which also got him out a little earlier than everyone else because he really thought we had to leave to go get them from school. :)  Sweet!

Nothing extraordinary is going on here.  Madison still asks when she'll be getting a Facebook account every other day, Christopher still loves going to the park and yes, he still folds his spelling tests up on Friday so that it can fit into his pocket and Alexander still loves being able to ride his bike with no training wheels.

Glenn has duty today so we're having the "what do you want us to bring you for dinner" conversation via email again.  We have both been doing good with the running since he got back.  We decided it was time to get fit...again.  I keep swearing I won't let myself get THAT unhealthy or THAT size again but somehow I always end up there again.  It's so much harder to lose that weight but I feel so much better.  Since January 1st I have lost 17.5 pounds and I'm still going.  I haven't been neglecting myself and not letting myself have the occasional almond joy or beef jerky or even those darn good reese's eggs (the mini ones, not the bright yellow packages of deliciousness).  The key is not to overdo it...which is why I STILL haven't boughten a package of double stuff oreos because I KNOW they will be gone in a day.  MMMMM, Oreos......

Ok, I feel like Ferb when I say this, "I know what we're gonna get Glenn for dinner" so we are going to get a move on and get Daddy fed! :)  I hope everyone has a great day.  Peace out!

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