Sunday, April 29, 2012

Page 10...I think I have to fit Easter in somewhere

I have finally finished the page I have been working on for about 2 weeks...I know.  These take me a while sometimes.  I need to get to work on the Easter one because I'm going to have a Disney one to work on soon enough!  I'm so excited.  I can't wait to get off of this island for a little bit and just relax.  Haha, yeah, relax.  We have quite a few plans for the time we'll be in CA, AZ, and NV.  Phew, that's going to be fun though.  So, here's the page.  I'm not up for writing much tonight.  I spent waaaaay too much time reading last night and didn't get to bed until it was waaaaaay past my bedtime. :)  For some reason I get on a reading kick and read like 10-15 books until I feel like I'm going to pass out at bedtime while reading and then I don't read another book for months.

So that's page 10.  I'm a little behind and I most definitely can't keep up with Heather's weekly ones yet...maybe I'll get there one day. :)  I think that sometimes I put way too much thought into these but then sometimes, not enough.  Oh well, I'll enjoy them when I'm older.  Have a great night or day everyone.  

Thursday, April 19, 2012

No pictures today...just words

Not too many of them either.  I just wanted to make sure everyone knew that we were still alive and kicking.  Glenn got back on Monday and we had surprised him by letting him think that the kids were at school, which also got him out a little earlier than everyone else because he really thought we had to leave to go get them from school. :)  Sweet!

Nothing extraordinary is going on here.  Madison still asks when she'll be getting a Facebook account every other day, Christopher still loves going to the park and yes, he still folds his spelling tests up on Friday so that it can fit into his pocket and Alexander still loves being able to ride his bike with no training wheels.

Glenn has duty today so we're having the "what do you want us to bring you for dinner" conversation via email again.  We have both been doing good with the running since he got back.  We decided it was time to get fit...again.  I keep swearing I won't let myself get THAT unhealthy or THAT size again but somehow I always end up there again.  It's so much harder to lose that weight but I feel so much better.  Since January 1st I have lost 17.5 pounds and I'm still going.  I haven't been neglecting myself and not letting myself have the occasional almond joy or beef jerky or even those darn good reese's eggs (the mini ones, not the bright yellow packages of deliciousness).  The key is not to overdo it...which is why I STILL haven't boughten a package of double stuff oreos because I KNOW they will be gone in a day.  MMMMM, Oreos......

Ok, I feel like Ferb when I say this, "I know what we're gonna get Glenn for dinner" so we are going to get a move on and get Daddy fed! :)  I hope everyone has a great day.  Peace out!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Page 9, Man I'm on a Roll!!

Here's page 9 of my book.  I keep realizing that there's not really a time period that I'm sticking to for this book but maybe I'll get better in the future.  There's just so much going on that I am trying my best to get these things into pages so we can remember them all!  I hope everyone's enjoying these because they make me smile while I make them just remembering that day.

I need to get dinner going so I'm not going to write much.  I just wanted to post the page I just finished.  I think I may renumber these when I put them into the book because I just realized that I don't have an Easter page yet...Oops.  I'll do that one soon.  I have to admit, I'm getting a little addicted to this digital scrapbooking type thing though!  I'm loving the simplicity of it and how easy it is to finish a page so quickly with no mess!  Heather, you were so right!  There are so many free designs, pages, elements and stuff to work with too so that makes it even MORE appealing than it already was!  

Ok, so that's it for now.  I'm off to get dinner ready for tonight while the boys play Indiana Jones 2 on the Wii and Madison plays her clarinet.  Maybe I'll enlist her help and keep her busy.  The weekend is coming to a close and she's getting sad that Monday once again means school.  For me that means being able to clean the house back up without having to stop to make lunch, take the kids somewhere to keep them busy or make sure they're not getting into trouble somewhere around here.  I do love spending time with them though.  I just wish Glenn were here to enjoy it too but unfortunately he had to leave on the ship after someone changed their mind and decided to be an ass.  

Have a great day everyone.  Peace out from Guam! :)

Friday, April 13, 2012

Page 7 is done

Here's Christopher's baseball page.  Very simple but I like it.  I think if I keep them all semi simple I can keep this up.

At first I didn't know how this would look but the more I look at it the more I like it.  I still can't believe how grown up he looks.  He just got a small trim and looks so much older!  I was very afraid that the guy was going to take off way too much of his hair.  He did an awesome job and I'll post a more recent picture with his new do.  

Alexander got his hair trimmed also but he lets the guys cut way more hair off.  He looks handsome too.  Madison got her hair trimmed just below her shoulders and I got about an inch taken off.  

The kids and I went to watch Mirror Mirror today with friends before they leave for Japan on Sunday then went to Shirley's for dinner.  We're so close to Glenn being home!!  Only 2 more days to wait and then he's supposed to be back!!  Yay!!!!!  We can't wait!!!  

I'm hoping he won't have to go anywhere else while we're here but you never know.  :(  

The kids only have about a month and a half of school left until summer break.  I hope they don't get beached out over the summer like they did on spring break.  Well, Alexander did anyways.  We did go there quite a bit over break.  At least nobody got burnt this time! :)  

That's it for today.  I hope everyone has a great day and night.  I'll post more later.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Finally posting another page...

I went to the old desktop mac and found a over that the kids had taken with the photo booth on there.  I decided to use a few of them and make this.

Oh yeah, they were having a good old time.  I also made one for boys' first game that was on the 6th of April.  I am going to make Christopher's page also, just wanted to post this one since it was done.  

He had a great time during that game.  I'm going to get a move on working on Christopher's page.  After that, it's a beach page because we've been spending quite a bit of this spring break at the beach.  We just wish Daddy was here to be there with us.  Only a few more days until Glenn gets back though.  

Over the past week I've been reading quite a bit.  Unfortunately, I can't seem to tell myself to stop and I end up staying up way too late reading.  Thank God there's coffee, or should I be thanking the maker of the Keurig coffee machine??  Either way, coffee is appreciated.  

I almost don't believe that the kids have around 2 months of school left after they return from break.  That's not very much time and I can't believe the kids are already registered for 2nd, 4th and 6th grade!!!  It's not official until they actually enter that grade right???  There's no way we almost have a MIDDLE SCHOOLER!!!  Not sure how time flew by so fast but our children are growing too fast.  I do love seeing them grow though.  They are amazing children and amaze me more and more each day.  

For now, I'm heading off to bed to get ready for tomorrow.  We're either going to a movie or a magic show, I'm just not sure which one the kids would like to do yet.  I guess we'll find out tomorrow.  I hope everyone has a great day and I'll try to post again very soon.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

The 3 of the day

I just wanted to post some pictures from our trip to the beach after the movie.

Madison in the middle, Christopher on the right and Alexander on the left.  I know, I figured out the secret to underwater beach pictures AFTER taking these today.

 Here's Alexander!  He loves looking under the water now.

 Alexander found a sea cucumber and I told him to take it out for like a second so we could get a quick picture.
 Christopher's hair is something else while we're at the beach.  It goes everywhere!!!
 Madison was swimming like a mermaid with her flippers on.
 I got more of this kind of picture than I did normal ones.  Great, I have not 1 but 3 photo bombers!
 Alexander a little while before heading home.  The sun was going down and the water was feeling chilly.
 Alexander a.k.a. John in their games, was sleeping in the boat while Madison pulled it and Christopher acted like the motor in the back...see the splashing??
Christopher was running to get something, can't remember what but I love this picture.

So that was our day, after waking up early for the eggs, going through all the good candy, cleaning up powder, easter grass and candy wrappers, watching their new movie Hop, going to the theater to see Journey 2 again, this time for free, and spending a few hours at the beach.  Man, I'm more tired just thinking about it again.  Have a great day everyone.

Just want to sleep...

I want to make this post long and write about every detail of what happened at the field during their games but I'm so tired right now I don't know how good this one will be.  I will post some pics and try to make this a good one. :)

Alexander is in t-ball but they tried to pitch it to the kids first and he hit it on his first try!!!  Good thing I was ready with the camera!  

The boys actually didn't have an issue sitting together so I could get a cute picture.  I just wish I would have done it somewhere else.  The background is too distracting for me.

Christopher loves his new gloves and bat that Daddy got him.  Blisters are a thing of the past and his new bat, well he doesn't want to forget that at home, like ever.

Unfortunately Christopher struck out but we know he can do it.  He hit a homer during practice a few days before the game.  The other team had been using a pitching machine during their practices but he had only used it once before this game.  We'll work on it with him and he'll rock the next game. :)

As far as who won, they think that "there are no winning or losing teams" in this league...whatever.  Alexander's team I can understand at 6 but they need to start letting them know that you need to try to win. Christopher's team won.  We found this out when a teammates older brother kept score and let us know. :)

During the game Madison and her friend Hunter were down at the water hunting for shells.  They "accidentally" fell in.  Yeah, accidentally looking for shells and all the way up to the top of their waists.  Oh well.

The next day we went to take Hunter home and go to her surprise birthday party.  We stayed the night with Jessie up at Leo Palace and the kids had a good time playing and watching movies, decorating eggs and eating candy.

Other than that, we've either been home, at the park or at the beach.   I would like time to go by fast so that Glenn is home.  I hope everyone has a great day.

Easter and we Miss Daddy!!!

So it's Easter morning and we miss Daddy.  We wish he was here to help with the finding of the Easter eggs and the eating of the candy.  That darn Reese's still makes the best little eggs around!  I'm thinking of taking the kids to the movie today.  Actually, not thinking about it, we're going at 1:00 to the free theater.  Should only cost like $8 or so for popcorn and drinks and a great time to pass the days until Daddy gets back!!  We're going to have to find stuff to do for spring break.  I have to make this post quick because I need to get ready to go but I'll post more soon.

Ok, so here are some pictures and we are already back from our daily "adventures".  The kids loved the movie again, even as much as the first time and they had a great time at the beach.  They swam for about 2 hours and I didn't even realize how fast the time had went.  It was almost 6:00 when we were leaving.

So, when I talked to my mom a little while back she told me about how she had tried to "catch the Easter Bunny" for making such a mess in her house.  Well I figured we had to try that and see how the kids felt about that.  Alexander was excited and didn't quite know what to think about that.  He wasn't sure what we would do with him if we actually got him.  Christopher made sure to ask if we were going to let him go after seeing him if we were to catch him.  We made a trap, just a little string, tied to the door handle, going under the front rug and a loop at the end with bells tied to it so we could hear it if he got caught.

It took Christopher FOREVER to go to sleep last night but things were finally set up and Madison was able to help.  She has been waiting all year for this because Easter last year was when she found out about stuff.  I turned the ac down so that it would keep coming on and making noise and forgot to turn it back up before I went to bed.  About 5 minutes after going to bed I realized that I was freezing and that I would not make it through the night at this temperature, yes, I felt as though I might as well have been in Antarctica.  I turned it up after making it down the hallway full of plastic eggs and candy that had fallen out of the bunny's basket.  I had taken a small string to bed with me complete with 3 jingle bells.  After I was in bed for a a minute I rang it a few times and made sure that it would be heard.  The next morning Christopher said he had heard him getting caught in the trap but was too tired to get up.  You should have heard Alexanders' rendition of how the mess looked by the front door.  He used his hands and awesome expressions when he told me that the "rug was FLIPPED OVER!"  It was hilarious.  So worth it.

Madison was so excited she could help.  She was doing such a great job hiding stuff and helping with the candy.  She looked at me and whispered, "Do you think I'm going to be a good Easter Bunny?"  I told her that I think she's going to be a great one and her smile melted my heart.  She laughed as we sprinkled the powder over the stencil she had watched me carve out earlier.

I totally missed posting about the baseball games so I will be writing one on that too.  That's it for Easter day though. :)  I hope everyone has a great Easter!!!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Snorkeling At Gab Gab

So my friend asked me if I would go snorkeling with her yesterday.  I thought about it quite a bit and decided that I should go.  They always see cool stuff when they go so I figured why not.  I was able to get quite a few pictures with my underwater camera and Jessie's hubby was able to get some with his camera.  Here are some of the pictures from yesterday.

There's a better one of the octopus.

He was mad, so he went into his hole in the rock.

Check out the size of that big guy!

He didn't want to hang out with me.

These guys are funny.  They will come at you if you get to close to their little homes.

Funky looking fish huh?

Be honest, did you picture a giant shark coming out of that deep dark hole right there???  Because I did, about a million times in the hour we were out there.

More clown fish.

I was trying to make the clown fish come towards my hand, didn't quite make it far enough down.

There were a ton of fish in that school.  

We were trying to get one of me and the octopus but this wasn't happening.

Here's a super awesome one of the octopus and so is the one below.

This is when he was crawling over the plants at the bottom to get away from us...he was really getting mad.

This guy scared the crap out of me...thought he was a barracuda!!

It's Gill from Nemo!!

I was pretty far down there.  Funny story with this picture, Jessie was using my camera to try to get one also but instead, we had the video was hilarious the way I "floated" back up to the top!!!

That was part of me drifting back up!  Like I said, hilarious.

Jessie and I, take 1.

Take 2, Love this picture!

Cute little guy.

More Nemo fishies. :)

Jessie and I getting a closer look at things.

My form is amazing, I should have been a synchronized swimmer! ;)

He was protecting his house.

More of the fish school.

It was crazy to see all of these guys together.

Extreme close up of the octopus.

Jessie's husband got one of me and the octopus. :)

During the time we spent looking at the octopus, I kept picturing the kracken from movies and thinking that if I made this guy too mad he would come up and grab me and fold me in half...not really how I wanted to spend my day.  I decided to keep my distance.  I was surprised he was still there when we got back in.  

While we were out near the drop off, and I know everyone that's watched Nemo over and over again with their kids just heard Marlin in their heads saying, "THE DROP OFF?!?!", so back to the deep black hole of nothingness...I started thinking of the shiny part of my camera attracting a barracuda, or a shark face coming out while the jaws theme played in my head...bad thoughts ran through my head as the choppy water splashed salt water into my mouthpiece and my tiny hair strands that were in my mask caused the salt water to seep into my mask.  Towards the end of the adventure I had swallowed quite a bit of water both from it getting into my mouth and through my nose, I had gotten salt water in my eyes about 5 times now, my ears were about to burst when I went underwater too far, but it was great.  Not only did I lose 2 pounds from this trip but it only cost me $0.75.  No, you don't have to pay to go snorkeling, I just tried to get a water (soda after realizing that there wasn't a water button AFTER putting in my money) from the machine at the beach only to realize that it would not take coins nor give them back to me.  I now know not to use coins at that machine ever again.  


So this morning I decided that I was going to install Madison's new bike seat, the nice foamy, cushioned springy one.  I did it and decided that I too would ride a bike to school and then go on my ride from there.  I actually had that bike seat installed within 2 minutes and grabbed Glenn's bike and we were on our way...until I realized that his tires were low...I reopened the garage door, quickly located the electric pump, prayed that the outlet worked now that Glenn had fixed the other one (it did!) and pumped up those tires faster than I have before.  The kids were worried we'd be late for school but were obviously unaware that it only takes about 3 minutes to get there by bike.  They were on time.  I told Madison that I should have brought a plastic bag to put over her seat just in case it rained...she said that would be embarrassing and frowned.  I told her I'd put it on after she went inside and take it off before she came back out...she wasn't too fond of that idea.  I just know that we paid $16 for her new "comfy" seat and didn't want the weather to ruin it.  

So I left and went on my way, I rode the same route that I do when I run.  I think running it was much much easier, it just takes a little longer, okay, a lot longer.  The hills killed me, my butt still hurts and I didn't get as much of a workout as I thought it would be.  I sweat so much more when I run.  I'm thinking running is the way to go.  

Other than that, I'm going to clean house today, make cupcakes, go to the store to get some tootsie rolls or some white, pink and orange candies for the cupcakes (pictures of them were in the previous blog) and get a move on.  I'm ready for Glenn to be back home and I'm sure he is too.  I hope the octopus decides to stay there so he can see it and we can show it to the kids too.  

Glenn has duty today so any email to him would be appreciated. :)

He gets to go white water rafting tomorrow so I hope he has a good time.  

I hope everyone has a great day and night.