Saturday, March 31, 2012

Was planning on taking more pictures

We went to the park yesterday morning and followed that up by a trip to the beach.  We decided to get an inflatable boat and lounger first.  Total cost was only $18 but the misery at the end of the beach trip, holy smokes.  We brought two girls from down the street with us and that took up quite a bit of room.  I ended up having to try to deflate both of them to fit them in the car, which is not as easy as it seems.  Blowing them up and getting lightheaded was actually the easy part.

Oh, so here's a nice story...  As we were walking home from school on Thursday afternoon, Madison and I discovered a bird egg that had fallen out of the coconut tree, or so we thought.  Madison picked it up and we decided she should try to hatch it at home.  I know, it was a long shot but we thought we'd give it a try. She came home, made a little nest in her new bowl she'd painted at school and set it on the coffee table.  Ok, pause in this story because I have to tell another one that goes along with this one...

Alexander is somewhat of a gas machine...yeah, I know, kind of a gross story to tell but just wait.  So he was sitting on the couch saying, "scuse me, scuse me, scuse me............" This went on for about a minute before I "noticed" and said to knock it off.  Needless to say, the aroma in the living room wasn't very pleasant.  About 10 minutes go by and it stinks again!  I blamed it on poor little wasn't him.  He had left the living room about 5 minutes ago.

After acting like a dog, sniffing under the table, looking behind chairs, couches and under the furniture, I finally decided to check the egg.  It was rotten.  It was immediately thrown away.  We will no longer bring home eggs that have obviously been kicked out of the nest.

Next up, Alexander came out of school the other day covering his chest with his hand.  I knew it was a sticker but didn't know what kind.  He had lost another tooth.  If he doesn't start growing these things back in quick we're going to have to listen to what Papa said and get him some baby food. :)

Here's a picture from the park on Saturday morning.  That's their new friend Alice from down the street.  They were watching the birds eat the crackers they had tossed them.  When we left the park had been sprinkled with crumbs for the birds.  I'm sure that all of the birds will be obese with all of the food they had left them.

So I got Madison a new bike seat and I just need to put it on her bike and she'll be ready to go.  The only bad part is that if it rains their bikes will quite possibly get rusty.

We have been invited to someone's house for hamburgers and hot dogs and a visit to the pool.  It will not be a long visit, the kids will need to be rested up for the 4 days of school they have until spring break starts.  The kids are ready, for spring break and Easter.

So that's it for right now, I'll try to keep posting and keep everyone updated.  Have a great day and night.

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