Thursday, March 29, 2012

It's Friday

That's about it.  Friday comes with finishing up the housework and getting ready for the weekend that will end much too soon.  I did not do my run this morning because my tummy isn't feeling all that great.  Stupid pizza night.  You'd think I'd realize that it causes an upset stomach every time I eat it but nope, it tastes too good.  Today I will be picking up Easter eggs for the Easter bunny to fill up this year, yeah, we like to help him/her out and save him money. ;)  I am also on the lookout for lollipops for Easter morning because we'll be planting magic jelly beans this year to see what grows.  I hope the kids don't get any brilliant ideas to start planting coins with high hopes that dollar bills will be there in the morning.

So Glenn's internet was down for a while the other day but we still managed to get a few emails to and from each other.  He's doing ok, still on the water but hopefully he'll be able to have an off ship meal soon. I'm hoping it's a good one too.  Less than 20 days until we get to see him home again.

We have a park/coffee "date" in the morning with a lady from down the street.  Unfortunately she doesn't have boys to play with but she does have 2 girls and we are going to the park so I'm sure the boys won't mind.  She's pregnant with a little boy, due May 1st so maybe I'll be taking some maternity pictures soon. :)

I think I might take the kids to the beach again this weekend.  They had so much fun last time and I will make sure to double up on the sunscreen on the boys this time.  They just need those shirts that prevent burns.  Alexander seems to be great because of the life vest but his shoulders still get pink.  Christopher just goes and goes like the energizer bunny and comes home pink.  I know, I should pay more attention.  I have to go to the NEX today to pick up stuff anyway so I might look for some there.  Oh, here's a picture of Madison and I taking the boys' bikes to school in the afternoon.  We decided it would be faster to ride them to the school. :)

If you want a good work out you should try riding a children's bike that's too small for you.  It's so much harder to pedal.  Christopher's helmet was a little too taut for my chin but I didn't want to mess with it so I took it like a big girl.  Just look at how high Madison's knees are on Alexander's bike.  She also discovered that something is wrong with Alexander's front tire.  I thought it had went away since we blew up the tires but nope, still a big lump in it, I think we're going to have to get a replacement tube.  Maybe I'll add that to my list for today.  To make this situation even more funny than it already was, Madison was ringing the bike bell that we just put on Alexander's bike.  That was hilarious!  

I'm sad that I couldn't post those singing videos here the other day.  I still haven't looked into whether or not I can post videos on here but I still might do that.  For now, I have to get to cleaning so I can get to the store before the kids are getting out of school.  I hope everyone is doing well and that they have a great day or night, depending on when you're reading this. :)


  1. Love the sponge bob helmet, you guys have talent to ride the small bikes

    1. I mostly coasted and laughed at myself. :)
