Monday, March 19, 2012

Back Into the Swing of Project Life

I have finally, yes finally, finished another page for the project life book that I started over a month ago.  I'd like to share my page 3 and see what everyone thinks about it.

I'd like to say thanks to Heather again for getting me going with this.  After stopping it was hard to get back to but as soon as I did, I got hooked again.

A few things have happened since I last blogged.  We moved from Leo Palace in Yona to a house on base and are loving it.  I do miss my neighbor from up there but other than that, life seems so much easier since moving here.  We get up an hour later, walk to school instead of the kids having to ride a but for 45 minutes, they get home before 3:45 and are able to do their homework and walk right down to the park that's about a block away.  They can go across the street to ride their bikes and there's a field that we can play baseball in less than a block away.

Another milestone, Alexander learned how to ride his bike.  He started trying on Thursday when the kids decided that they would like to ride their bikes to school and by Saturday he was riding on his own.  There are a few times when he tends to wobble and it scares me thinking that he'll wipe out and want training wheels again.  He's still trying to grow in those two front teeth that he's had missing for almost 6 months but other than that he's doing great.

Christopher and Alexander have started playing baseball and are loving it.  It's twice a week and we practice on the weekends.  Madison is no longer in soccer but she's most likely going to try out some volleyball when that time comes.

Here are a few pictures from the last couple of months. :)  I hope everyone is doing good.

This is Alexander with his valentines box he made for school

Christopher was practicing hitting while we were packing before he started baseball.
Alexander was obviously so excited about the sucker he bought with the tickets he won at the school carnival.
They were waiting in line for a game at the school carnival.

That's it for now.  I'll post more later and try to keep everyone updated.

1 comment:

  1. They are all getting so big! Hope you are all doing well! I have started a new blog you can find it here:
