Friday, July 1, 2011

Dangit...lost my last post...

Do you think I remember what the heck I had written about???  Nope, not a dang clue.  Here goes nothing.  It's Friday here, and it's Friday where everyone else is...just not the same all.  It's 8:30 p.m. here in Guam and it's only 6:30 a.m. on the East coast, 5:30 in the Central time zone, 4:30 Mountain time zone where Mom is and 3:30 on the West coast...there, not the same time, but the same day.  Here are a few pictures for everyone from the past few days...I have to explain the first few though.  The bathrooms are glass here, they do have blinds you can pull down for privacy but Alexander decided to lock the door instead, makes no sense to me either but he did it.  I had to document this accident.

Oh, another piece of information to explain Madison's look...she told him to lock the door.

 It's a darn good thing they put a wine bottle opener in the rooms...not only for Alexander but for me too. :)
Here they are in the infinity pool at sunset.

Once again, in the pool, looking at the gorgeous view.

This was from yesterday morning after they had put the dye tablet or whatever they used in the laguna.  It made it look so beautiful I had to take another picture.

I do have a few more pictures but I'm cold...yes, I said it, I'm cold.  Not because it's cold here because it's anything but cold but Glenn's got the AC up in the hotel room and I need to get in my little bed and warm up.  Maybe I should just step out on the balcony...nah, there might be a banana spider out there like the one I saw earlier today, wait, did I say one???  Oops, we saw two on the same tree!!!

Yeah, I know it's not in focus, but it was a point and shoot camera, I was shaking just a lot and I had to get pretty close to the bugger.  Man just looking at it gave me the chills.  Wait, maybe that was the AC...not sure but I need to warm up.  I'll post more later.  Love you all.  Have a great day because yours is probably just beginning. :)  Goodnight everyone.

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