Saturday, July 9, 2011

More Pictures of Our Adventure

This was taken on Friday the 8th of July when we went to the command picnic.  The kids had a great time looking for coral and playing in the sand and water.  We even saw a hermit crab.  This bugger wasn't like the ones I'd seen before.  He looked small and was green and round like a pea.  I picked him up to show the kids and he stuck his mini claws out and got me right in the finger!  No more picking up hermit crabs. :)
 They were obviously having too much fun to want to leave when we said it was time.  I wanted to get their picture before we did though so I had them say cheese for me...Yeah, so much for that.
 See!  This is how much fun they WERE having before I made them go.  Just a bunch of happy little kiddos until meany mommy steps in and spoils all the fun.
 Madison and I thought it was cool to write in the sand.  She wrote it super fast because everytime she'd get it written out and move fast enough for me to get a picture of it the wave would come in and take it all away.  She was like flash this time and we got the picture! :)
 Here are the kids with their snorkeling gear on all ready to go see the beautiful fishes and hopefully some turtles. 
 This is Alexander in the car after Glenn and I took shifts snorkeling because Alexander decided not to go and he was cold.  I took him to the car and he was out in less than 5 minutes.
 Notice that the other kids' clothes are on the seat...they're still out there because I told them it was ok to go back out with Daddy.
 You would think that 2 hours of snorkeling would be enough water time for the day right???  Wrong.  After we got the laundry going the kids and I went out to the pool for more swimming.  We were only out there for about an hour, maybe a little more but it was so dang hot!  It didn't feel like it was 99 degrees when we were driving home but when we got down to the pool, the heat just hit me and I had to get in the water.
 They love those blue mats that make them go super fast on that slide.  I don't know what they'll do when they can't ask to go to the slide pool everyday...oh wait, yes I do...they'll ask to go to the pool down the street when we get the house on Wednesday. 
I will be busy unpacking everything and making it look like we live there so that Glenn has a place to come home to when he gets back instead of coming to a house with no pictures or decorations.  We'll need to plan a birthday party for Christopher too.  The MWR office has tons of stuff you can rent for parties too!  We'll have to look into some stuff.  I"ll post more later.  I have to go get the last load of clothes from the dryer.  :)  Have a great day everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Just getting caught up on all your adventures since we were on vacation. Sounds like a wonderful place to have a nice tropical 2 year vacation (sort of). Be sure at some point to buy something special to have to remember your time there. We had some servicemen (way back in our day[ancient times] that bought something at each place they were stationed and always had them on display for people to ask about). Enjoy the water, envy you there!
