Friday, July 1, 2011

We hit up the pool again

Here's Christopher, about to head up those stairs to the slide.  That mat is to sit on so you can go super fast on that slide.  They went up those stairs plenty of times today and tuckered themselves out. 

Alexander decided he wanted to try to go down without me catching I'd let that happen.  Glenn went to catch him just in case and I wanted to get some pictures.
 Madison figured out that she can actually touch right at the bottom so she goes down like a pro now.
 What's that you say???  Another banana spider?  Yes it was, and I was right next to it again!!  For some reason I had a feeling that I should check for spiders after yesterday and guess what...Well look down!!  That's what!!  I wasn't too scared...okay, who am I kidding, I was...but I still managed to get a picture that was in focus this time...I guess I'm getting better.
 Here's Glenn on the slide...he lost his mat halfway down the slide, got flipped and tossed around and came down backwards.  He was still smiling though so I guess he didn't get hurt too bad.
I decided that today should wear a little sunscreen.  No I didn't put it all over myself, just my shoulders and back.  Those are pretty much the only places I seem to get burnt.  Well, my arms do a little but they go away fast.  We were at the pool for a little over 2 hours this time.  No wonder the kids were hungry and a little worn out.  They are constantly going when we get down there.  Not only do they swim, but Madison tries to catch the little brown lizards that run on by when we walk from pool to pool.  Alexander actually saw a frog last night.

I know, you can't really see it because I had to zoom in because the darn thing kept on hopping further away as we got closer to it.  Pretty big huh?? 

Today is kind of a chill out day.  I think I will be doing a little laundry after we get some dinner.  We bought some detergent from the NEX the other day because I'm sure the gift shop charges a whole leg for a bottle.  They charge $12 for a bag of jerky that you get for $5 everywhere else!  Not happening on my watch!

So I guess that's it for today, which would be Saturday at 3:15 in the afternoon here.  It's so weird being so far ahead of everyone.  I accidentally wished someone a happy birthday the day before!  I guess moving here is one way to stay a step ahead of everyone else on the birthday wishes huh?  Ok, I'll be sure to post more later on.  Have a great day everyone.  Oh and I hope you're able to see all the pictures I've posted on Facebook because I haven't posted them all on this blog.  Bye for now.

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait for you to get ur DSLR out there..those spiders would be good for macro if you can get the courage to get close..if not use a 100mm 2.8 macro for it!! Glad all is going well there!
