Thursday, July 7, 2011

Another day in the sun

Today will consist of the beach, some picnic food and some possible swimming.  I'm thinking I might leave that up to the kids but I don't want to have them in the water themselves.  I think I will have to wear my bathing suit like superman wears his cape, incognito. ;)  That may be a little difficult though because both of my suits have that big old tie around the neck.  I think I may have to check out the NEX to see if they have a cheap one that looks normal without making a gigantic bulge in the back of my shirt.  We'll work on that after we get our house.  Maybe after I lose about 30 pounds as well.  Vacations cause me to gain weight...ok, that's a lie, I cause myself to gain weight.  I need to cause myself to lose the damn weight but it's difficult.  You would think that taking the kids to the pool every day would help a little with the burning of the calories but I still weigh too much for me to be happy.  I don't know how I keep getting to this point.  I haven't been this heavy since we lived in Tennessee!  There's got to be a change around here and it's obviously got to start with me when we get to the house.  I will need to make sure that the stuff I get at the grocery store doesn't include cookies and unhealthy snacks.  We need more fruits and veggies and fruit should not be hard to come by here.  There are banana trees up the wazoo and coconut trees as well.  There are starfruit trees in some field that is still unknown to us but we will find it.  There are mango and papaya trees too I heard.  If all else fails, the commissary has fruit too. :) 

I think that when Glenn's ship leaves for the short time they're going, I will buckle down and lose at least 10 pounds.  That actually does a lot for me and makes me want to keep going.  At least there won't be a China Wok and Charley's near us up at Leo Palace. :) 

The kids are going to get signed up for daycare starting on the 16th of August so that I can get to my orientation and start college classes on the 17th I hope.  I'm hoping that they have something I can take that doesn't go on 3 or 5 days a week.  I would think that they wouldn't because the semester is a few months long but I don't know how things work around here yet. I'll know soon.  I think Glenn may drag me to the Navy college office after we leave the picnic. 

So I started reading the book "The Help" a few days ago and love it.  I have already finished the other two Heather Graham books that I brought.  I left one for my sister Heather and the other I started on the plane.  I kind of like this nothing on TV thing.  I think I need to limit my shows to like 2-3 per week and not feel like I have to watch one every single night.  There are more important things to do along with fun things to do here than sit in front of the television.  I think I need to make a schedule for which nights we'll go to the pool at home and when we'll go to the beach.  I want to get the kids fitted for snorkle masks but I think that Alexander being able to put his face in the water first may take precedence over the snorkle gear seeing as though you kind of have to in order to see the fish.  We'll work on that for a while.  We told him that we're not going to stop taking him to swimming lessons.  He's going to keep going until he learns how to swim.  Madison and Christopher love them and they're doing great there.  3 weeks left and then it'll be time to sign them up for August classes but then we'll have to work around my class schedule too. 

We thought we had lost Madison's bathing suit top for good but just as we thought it was a total loss, Glenn knocks on the door a few seconds after leaving this morning and TADA!!  He's holding Madison's bathing suit top!! :)  Madison's happy because the other suit she has doesn't fit as well as this one.  I'm happy because I don't like hearing her complain about the suit that doesn't fit. 

I tried to take a few pictures of the actual town while we were driving back to the hotel from the base but the little camera I had did not work quite as well with the quick shots and most of them turned out blurry.  I'll try again later but next time I want to bring my good camera.  I'm just kind of scared to bring it out because of the humidity and I don't want it to get ruined.  I think I may be brave today and bring it with me because it's Glenn's Hail today and he looks handsome.  Ok, who am I kidding, he looks handsome all the time.

I need to get in the shower so we can get ready to get to the beach before everyone else because I want to make sure we get a parking spot.  Goodnight to everyone! :)

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