Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July!!

No pictures were taken yesterday to document the fun that we all had but that's ok.  We went to a picnic that Glenn's sponsor put together and it was great.  The kids swam for around 4 hours and had cupcakes, cookies and fruit.  They played with gigantic water balloons and that turned into a grown up battle.  We were playing volleyball in the pool when water balloons started getting launched over the net at the same time as the ball to cause a distraction.  The kids were the ammunition suppliers and some people got hit.  I got slammed in the face with one of them but it only stung for a little while.  The rain kept coming and going and I didn't realize how bad it could hurt someone's eyes but man something stung mine.  We all had a great time and didn't even realize that we'd been there for over 4 hours.  We came home and pretty much crashed. 

Today we went to the base sponsored function and the kids rode on the bull, got snow cones and played in a few bouncy houses.  We were able to see Lucy the caribou that the guy takes for walks and lets his dogs ride on there too.  Afterwards we went and checked out the gym for swimming lessons, classes and everything they had to offer.  It looks very nice and I think that I will be going to the family workout room so that I can get a workout in before the kids go to swimming lessons at 9:00.  They have a room with lots of equipment and the kids have a play area that you can see via the tv screens on the wall if they're behind one of the walls.  I'm going to try to make it a Tuesday and Thursday thing when I take the kids to their lessons.  We have to get up early enough to take Glenn into work for now because we only have one car. 

Here are some pictures from today for everyone.  Oh, one more thing, Madison almost caught a lizard today!  Maybe one of these days I'll be able to post a picture of her holding one...we'll see.

That bull doesn't look very nice huh?

 Well, he wasn't, just check her out down there.
 Christopher thought he'd give it a shot.
 He was doing pretty good.
 Then he lost his grip.
 Yep, flew right off the back end of the guy.
 Alexander gave it a whirl.
 Did pretty good...until...
 This happened.
 They all had fun though and nobody came off crying!  Thank goodness for that.
 One of the many bouncy thingamajiggers they had set up there.
 Oh and yes, that's a technical term for those things.
What, you don't believe me?  Look it up...Did you actually think about looking it up?  Ok, smarty pants, I probably would have.  :)  I hope everyone has a great day because it's dinner time for us and we're hungry.

1 comment:

  1. They look like they are having so much fun, can't wait til I come to see ya all in another 12 months
