Monday, July 2, 2012

Nothing Going On

There's not much going on here, we're just hanging around waiting for Daddy to get home.  We went to the beach for a little while yesterday but it started raining, we also forgot towels.  We still had a fun time while we were there.  The kids swam a little and caught about 15 dug dugs (hermit crabs) and let them go before we headed out.  We came home and got cleaned up for a 5 minute trip to the store for some cafe mocha and then went to the park that evening.  The kids were playing on the slide and playing basketball when it decided to start pouring.  We had walked so we were bound to get wet at some point.  They played in the rain with their friends Hunter and Noah and figured out that the slides were now water slides.  They shot off of that slide way faster than usual and had a blast.  Afterwards we all played a little basketball and the grown ups beat the kids.

Tomorrow there is a 4th of July celebration at the track down the street that we'll be going to.  There aren't any fireworks but it should still be fun.  I want to take my camera and am hoping that it doesn't rain on me. Maybe I'll just take my little one to be safe.  I think there are going to be quite a few bounce houses, food and stuff, games...we shall see.  We're going with Jessie and her family so that should be fun.

Last we heard Glenn's supposed to be heading home in a few days which is all I can write about that.  We miss him and want him back home.  We were told it should be before the end of July so we're excited about that.

Other than that, we've been trying to keep busy.  Madison and I are working on sewing a purse for her.  I made one for Jessie and she loves it.  The pattern was free. :)

Cute huh?  Madison picked out pink and teal, that should be cute too.  I'm trying to get better at sewing but the instructions are confusing sometimes.  I guess I could just google it. :)

That's it for now.  I'll try to get some pictures to post of the 4th of July celebration.  

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