Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Under a Week

So we only have to wait a few more days...well, less than a week, for Glenn to get home!  We're very excited and can't wait until he is finally home.  We're hoping he doesn't have to leave anymore while we're here.  We've been looking at orders for his next duty station but they don't look very promising.  We're trying to stay positive and wait for the 1st of August before we really get upset about the bad choices.

Today we have a "party" at the library for the kids and their summer reading program that they completed. Although they ended it on the 10th of July which isn't anywhere near the end of summer, I'm not so sure I get that.  It feels nice out today, like a beach day, but I don't want them to miss their reading party at 3:00.  We do need to go to the store to pick out a present for Alexander's friends' birthday party on the 28th and Christopher wants to look at the toys that are available in Guam for his birthday that is in 9 days!!!!  I can't believe he's turning 9!!!!!  He wants a Digger cake, a character from the new show Gravity Falls, and I will try my best.  I think I'm going to try a new technique I saw on Pinterest. :)  I'll be sure to post pictures too.

We still have Blondie here, nobody else has asked about meeting her to see about adoption.  I'm so sure that if someone met her and was thinking about adopting a dog they would absolutely love her.  I have to admit that it's tempting just to keep her to make sure she doesn't have to endure any more bad things in her life or have to move to yet another home, but I just can't.

So, that's pretty much all the news I have.  Here are a few more pictures from the paddle boarding we did a few weekends ago.

 Madison, Noah, Hunter, Alexander and Christopher, all anxiously waiting for their turn on the paddle board.
 Alexander waiting for the last rider to come in, I think his turn was next.
 Madison's first ride, she thought she should have goggles on just in case it tipped over.
Christopher riding on the paddle board.

Christopher and I ready for our close ups. :)

 Not a fan of the way the snorkel mask makes my face look but I love this picture of Christopher and I.
I did it without tipping over!!!

You should have seen the size of the hermit crab they found, they were gigantic.

 Madison giving Hunter 1 more ride before it was time to pack up.
 Alexander having a great time in the nice water.
 Madison asked me to take her out by myself.  We made it back without tipping!! :)
Christopher was loving this board.  He was so excited to give Noah a ride.

Ok, so the kids and I were bored yesterday....don't judge.

I know you just laughed after noticing what was different!!  Haha.  Thanks to America's Funniest Home Videos, we were no longer bored and we had quite the belly aches from laughing so hard last night.

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