Monday, July 16, 2012

Follow up...

The camera is lost along with the pictures.  I had planned on sharing some of them but that will not happen unless some honest person found the camera and sees my posts on the military garage sale sites and contacts me about it or someone knows someone that found it and is honest.  I'm thinking positive thoughts but unfortunately there are a lot of dishonest people in this world.

Today (Monday for us) we took Blondie (still the foster dog up for adoption) to the vet for her shots.  Little did we know that we had been fibbed to and that she tested positive for worms on her July 2nd visit.  We ended up with a bigger bill than we expected and I have now forfeited any and all birthday presents that Glenn or the kids would have gotten me.  The kids did decide that they wanted to get her a name tag though because she needed something after being so good with 3 shots, a temperature being taken, stool sample being taken the not so nice way...and drinking that nasty banana worm crap.

They thought this out, they picked the color and the shape.  They also asked me why we didn't get our number put on it...Nice try kids, nice try.  This can go with her when she gets adopted.  We will be in the Liberation Day parade on Saturday morning with Blondie on their Fur-Ever Kinda Love float I think and the kids are excited.  Christopher's more worried that there won't be seat belts.  I don't think he realizes that we will be moving at approximately 1.5 miles an hour.  We're still waiting to hear back to find out a time for that.

Tomorrow we have a maintenance man coming to fix the boys' closet (Christopher decided to hang on it for some reason) and that's between 8:30 and 9:00...I was shocked when she told me that time.  A 30 minute Guam?????  Wow, things are looking up huh?

I'm not sure if everyone saw this on Facebook so I thought I'd put it on here.  The kids and I are standing with Lucy the caribou that walks along the side of the road with her owner carrying (sometimes) 1-2 dogs who may or may not be wearing their hats and shades at the time.  It's one of the cutest things ever.

So Glenn will hopefully be home within a few weeks, can't tell me a specific day because a) he doesn't know and b) he's not supposed to tell me anyways.  I'm just glad to know he's in HI and that he will be getting to golf a little and be off the ship during the day.  It's kind of weird to know that he's walking around the same place we lived 9 years ago in HI.

That's pretty much all that's going on right now.  We went paddle boarding again yesterday after it FINALLY stopped raining.  I made sure we had everything on the picnic tables or near them so we didn't leave anything again.  

Here's one more picture, the one I have from this weekend at the beach.  Christopher is giving his friend Noah a ride on the paddle board.

It got dark way faster than we planned again and for the 2nd night in a row, we were putting our stuff in the car using the car headlights.  We discussed better planning for the future trips. :)  

1 comment:

  1. So sorry about the camera, I was really hoping someone would turn it in....
