Sunday, June 12, 2011

Some Pictures from NY

Christopher was loving the hose and Nani was enjoying it just as much.  It was so hot that day and they loved being able to cool themselves down with some cold water.

 Madison thought she was hiding from the hose water but forgot that she was holding a bucket full of that cold water.  She ended up dumping the whole bucket on herself.
 Ok, I admit I had a part in this.  Alexander looked a little warm and we thought he needed a cool down.  Don't worry, he got her back...
 See!!  I told you!!!  Christopher thought it was hilarious until he realized that she got sprayed in the eyes and then looked all worried in some of the pictures.  That sequence of pictures was hilarious!
 Here we are at the Watkins Glen Gorge.  Yes, there is a waterfall to the left of us (right side of the picture) but you can't see it. 
 The kids were loving all of these tunnels.  Ok, I admit I was too.  They made for some great photo opportunities!
 Here they are towards the end of the gorge.  We were trying to walk faster to make sure we got to the top on time to catch the last bus but do you think we did?  No, we were 20 minutes late.
Here's everyone with their silly faces.  I told you there was a waterfall, there are some trickles from it.

Ok, that's what I have uploaded on the laptop for right now but I'll try to get more later.  Have a great day everyone!!

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