Saturday, November 7, 2015

Looks like I went on strike huh?

Nope, I didn't go on strike.  I just forgot to blog because I didn't have any pictures that I felt were blog worthy.  We've been getting the house all situated, and I think we've finally gotten into a permanent routine.  I got myself a 220 volt vacuum so that I don't ruin my dyson.  It started blinking when I'd turn it on and I'd like to have a working vacuum when we move back to the states.  

After dropping the kids off at the bus stop there are two ladies that I go to the cafe down the street with to have una croissant con mantequilla y mermelada, y una cafe con leche.  We sit and talk for about 30-45 minutes and head out to start the day.  I feel so much more productive when I start the morning like that.  Afterwards, Rajah and I go for a walk with Gosia and her baby Stella when she's not busy.  Rajah loves going for those walks.  We actually walked by her house today on our walk and she stopped for a minute and sniffed the door like she does when we pick them up.  

That's Stella, her buddy.  They both get so excited when they see each other.

During the first week of October, the kids and I went to the training they have at RAWL (Rota Animal Welfare League) so that you can be a volunteer there.  We went and took care of the cats about 2 weeks ago and we're going to take care of the dogs on the 16th of this month.  The other day, Alexander didn't have school but Madison and Christopher did.  We went to RAWL and took all of the dogs for a walk.  We had to take 2 or 3 at a time because some of them don't get along.  It's so sad to me that all these babies want is attention from someone that wants to love them.  They are all so sweet.  The next day when all three of the kids had the day off, we went there just to give the doggies a treat and say hi.  When we pull up, Billie starts wagging his tail.  He's such a sweetie and he's a fast runner too.

This is either Marty or Sasha.  there are two female tabby cats so we're not 100% sure who is who.  We'll have to ask the ladies that run the place.   The one below is the other tabby cat.  They are super sweet and love attention.

This Calico baby is Linda.  She's a friendly little girl that has a tail that's bent a little.  

Marty or Sasha.  What a cutie!

This is Billie.  He's the one that gets excited when we pull up and he decided to smile for the camera when Alexander was giving him a goodbye hug for the day.

In order, Woody, Acey and Jacob.  These guys are crazy little boys.  Jacob is so gentle when he's being walked and I think he gets a bad rap because he's part pit bull.  

Madison letting one of the rambunctious ones run around.  I'm not sure if it's Woody or Acey but man he was fast.

On the way back to their kennels.

The other day, I was nervous and thought that Buddy and Bobby had been turtle napped.  They didn't pop up out of the water like they usually do.  I thought they were gone for a few days and was all upset because 1. I liked them and 2. The turtle food I ordered online finally came in the mail.  Apparently they don't come out of the water as much when it's cold outside.  Good to know.

Glenn told me about the website and I printed out the weekly workouts that I'm going to start on Monday.  Maybe I can lose a few pounds before Thanksgiving so I can put them back on when we go over to a friends' house. :)  

That's it for now.  Have a great day! :)

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