Saturday, November 28, 2015

Zoo de Castellar

Meet Thor, the baby ocelot at the zoo.  He's only 7 months old, so cute and so soft!

The kids were in love with this little guy.  He was super sleepy so we headed out to see everything else there was to see.

I'm not quite sure what this guy is and I didn't read the sign.  He looks like a yak with a bad haircut.

Holy smokes, four smiles at the same time!

It took some time but we finally found his other leg. :)

This guy was playing hide and seek.  I don't think he fully understands the game.

Sleepy little guy.

Don't smile at these guys.

Yeah, we're not quite sure what these bad boys are either but they were neat looking.

This little one was so cute!  They were bringing her out just as we got there.  She got fed before the little ones were able to get close to her.  Her paws were so huge!  

She was making funny faces at the line of people waiting to see her.


She was getting kind of anxious by this point so they would only let the kids pet her very quickly.

We didn't throw a pen at this guy....If you need to know why, watch the Kevin Hart youtube clip at  and you'll see why.

It's the black swan.  

These guys couldn't have cared less that there was someone there looking at them.  They just went on with their business, which was doing nothing.

These little guys would reach down out of the cage and grab the food out of your hand.  Their tiny paws were super cute.

So majestic.

This one was so curious, just looking at everyone coming up the stairs looking like giant pieces of clothed steak coming to greet her.

After being smacked by the one on the left, the guy on the right decided to get in line and pick the dead skin off of the meanie so he wouldn't abuse him anymore.  

These guys are just so beautiful.

I have no idea what this guy was but he was one of the cutest little things ever.  As soon as the guy handed him over he wrapped his tail around my arm. 

He was so sleepy until someone brought out a banana.  He smelled it from a few feet away and chowed down.

Baby monkey riding on mama's back.

This capuchin monkey was the smartest guy ever!  He only liked the sunflower seeds though.

His paws were so soft.  He reached all the way up this pipe to grab a seed out of your fingers.  His little paws were so darn soft.  I just wanted to hold his hand!

This little guy was doing the fox call whistle at everyone.  He only liked the sunflower seeds too!  He'd spit out everything else we tried to feed him.  

We made it into the cage with all of the "non violent" animals.  

This guy on the top didn't like the fact that the younger guy in the cage was trying to get some of the food he was being offered.  He kept trying to pry his feet off of the bars to get him to fall down.

He would pick out all of the sunflower seeds and if you didn't get him more he'd try to eat your arm.

So we made him work for the good stuff.

Christopher got bit when he tried to get him off of Madison's arm to his.  He didn't like that idea.

Alexander wasn't too keen on getting bit by the birds since he'd already been bitten twice trying to get one onto his arm so he decided to go for the softer side of things.

Christopher wanted to hold this cute little guy too.

These ones weren't coming down where all the people were.  

This cute little thing didn't like Madison trying to pet it so it attacked her finger.

A new bird to hold.  This is the one that bit my arm twice when we ran out of food.  It actually drew blood.  Alexander's a pretty smart guy if you ask me but I'd still go back and hold it again.

It's a gang of cuties!

It would supposedly let you pet it if you wiggled your finger in front of it...I think it made it look like food because it didn't work for me.

This rooster was super colorful and was so fluffy when he puffed all of his feathers out.

Madison was all for this guy being on her neck.

So was Christopher.

Then they put it on Glenn's neck after he said no like 5 times.  I won't even post the picture of me with it on my neck because I look so horrible because I thought he was trying to choke me.

Glenn said this guy didn't want to eat anything else because he didn't want anymore sacrifices... :) (Madagascar movie reference)

Isn't he cute?!  

Alexander decided that he'd hold the owl because he was given a thick leather glove and figured this guy couldn't bite him through it.

Pretty cool being able to hold this pretty little thing huh?

This hyena was super cute and looked like he was smiling.

He started scratching at the glass like he wanted to eat my kiddos.  Nah, he just wanted to give them hugs! 

As we were about to leave, this guy came bee-boppin' down the way on a leash.  He climbed right onto my shoulder and I immediately wanted to take him home, just like every other cute thing at this place.  

This zoo is actually a rescue center that takes care of animals that have been seized by authorities.  They were being sold on the black market and were being mistreated.  I think it's one of the coolest ideas ever and it was so awesome to be able to feed, hold and pet these little guys. 

The kids always complain about getting into the car to drive somewhere but when we get there they always have a great time.  They loved this zoo and I'd love to go back there again and again. 

I'll be posting about our visit to C adiz in the very near future.  Most likely today because I've once again fallen behind on the posting front. Have a great day everyone!

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