Monday, October 19, 2015

Monday Monday.....

Rajah made a new buddy over the weekend.  Miguel, our landlord was clipping the pomegranate tree and the bushes around the front yard and Rajah was just wandering around.  We finally introduced him to her so he wouldn't be scared every time he came here. :)  As soon as he busted out the hose to spray the steps down, Rajah was in love.  He just kept laughing because she wouldn't leave the hose alone.  We got 3 grocery bags full of pomegranates from the trees.  These things are $1.28 a pound at the store!  I gave my friend a bag because there's no way we could eat them all.  Christopher and I are going to juice them and mix it with orange juice.  Miguel said it was delicious that way.  

Last Friday, Glenn and I went to the restaurant down the street.  The boys wanted to go with us but Madison decided to stay at home.  We drove this time but we usually walk since it only takes about 5 minutes to get there.

When we got there, this nice lady asked if the kids wanted to play a game.  She took them to this area and they were playing tetherball.  It's different here.  There's a little ball, unlike the volleyball we're used to, and they use these paddles to hit it around the pole.  

They were having a great time and I think the lady was having fun watching them try to hit that ball as hard as they could.

Now, I know I posted this on Facebook but some people may not have seen this beauty.  I needed a car.  I didn't want a giant car here and I also didn't want a nice car.  I needed something that would not make me cringe if someone opened their door into my car, or if I accidentally scraped the light pole on the side of the road.  Also, those toothpick trees are no joke.  For $1,100 Glenn found the perfect car for me.  It's got scrapes, dents, dings and a few broken things.  I love it.  

This happened because the previous owner didn't realize that she needed the emergency brake on whenever it's parked.  I'm glad that I know this.

Glenn put a screw in my side view mirror and now it doesn't fold in if I go to fast down the road.  Perfect fix.

This one, I've learned the secret to getting it to work just right.  Oh you want to steal my car?  Go ahead, but you'll get caught because you can't get out once they find it. :)  I should probably put some gas in her now.  She's gone since the 30th of September on 1 fill-up.  We're getting pretty low.  

Alexander likes Christopher's Halloween costume.  He tries to scare me with it whenever he gets the chance.  He does look like a creepy little man with it on right?

I saw this little guy on my friends' front gate and figured, what the heck, so I took a picture.

I sure do wonder how long it took him to get all the way up there though....

These are the most vicious looking plants ever!  The black spikes on the top are not messing around either.  They are sharp and super strong.  It looks like an aloe vera plant gone wild.

I think I'd rather take my chances with this giant cactus bush before I'd mess with the other one.  Both of these things are in a lot of the empty lots and sometimes in landscaping areas!  Why would you plant a devil looking plant like that?  Maybe to scare away intruders??  Not sure, but I know I won't be planting any myself.

It poured most of the weekend.  Glenn was in a golf tournament and it rained on him too.  I'm upset that I had to stop hanging my clothes!  I am going to start taking my wet clothes to the laundry mat though so that I know exactly how much I'm paying for laundry instead of waiting two months to get a bill.  

I still haven't used the dishwasher.  I get tempted so many times.  I just don't know what the electricity bill will look like, so the same goes with the dryer, I do what I can to save electricity until I know how bad it will be.  It shouldn't be horrible but you never know.  

I am sitting here trying to think of other things to say but I'm fresh out.  There hasn't been a great opportunity for us to travel yet but as soon as there is, we're taking it.  I'm in the process of trying to get a trip scheduled so we'll see how that goes.  It's got to be local because we're waiting on our passports but it'll still be fun.  I hope everyone has a great day!

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