Saturday, January 5, 2013

Almost Finished With Guam

We have began a countdown until the day we leave Guam.  We will be leaving about 3 weeks before Glenn so we will be able to spend more time on the west coast without him using up all of his leave time.  The ticket requests have been submitted and we're just waiting to see what they come up with.  May 20th is the day we're shooting for so we'll see.  I'm not sure if I'd prefer to fly through Japan or Hawaii honestly.  Japan at least has a McDonald's at their airport.  Hawaii has a Quiznos....Hmmmmm.  

Yesterday Christopher had a scouts camping trip but we ended up not camping overnight.  I'm happy about that because it ended up pouring last night!  We did however stay the whole day, and when I say whole day, I mean 10:00 am until 7:00 pm, at the campsite.  Glenn had his golf league in the morning and the plan was for me to take the kids there in the morning and swap out with Glenn at around 2 when he was done and I could take the other kids home.  Well plans change, he came there and we were both wiped out from being in the sun all morning but I hadn't been doing anything physical like he had so I volunteered to stay the rest of the afternoon.  Glenn hung out and did the activities with Christopher and then him and Alexander headed out.  Within 5 minutes, Alexander was asleep in the car.  Madison decided to stay because 2 of her friends were there.  

We went fishing with cane poles and had to scrounge up some bait.  First we tried to hit up the snails that are all over the place but they have this hard bottom layer that they slide over the "door" and we were not making any progress there.  I told them we should use the hermit crab, Madison was not having that...yet.  We tried to crush the snail shell but the rock crumbled and that was a no go.  Then we found a crab that was half smashed by a rock but still moving and decided he was a goner anyways.  We hooked him up and Christopher had some bait and was on his way.  We ended up walking around the little edge of the small island we were on and found some hermit crabs...Madison was to the point now that she wanted some bait and the hermit crab seemed like the only option.  We made this little guy so mad that he ended up jumping out of his shell, I'm not joking.  He just gave up on life, so we hooked him up and she was on her way.  Neither one of them caught a fish but they did eat up an hour just fishing.  Christopher wanted to slip and slide so we headed down that way and they were closing it down.  I was of course blamed for this because he wanted to go 5 minutes ago.  I let them decide whether or not they wanted to slip and slide first or fish...they chose fish.  They had a long day and so did I.  We hung around and ate some food and headed out at 7:00.  

I think last night was the first night I've gone to bed and haven't laid there waiting to fall asleep.  I was out the minute I put my head on my pillow and slept 12 hours.  I didn't realize how wiped out I actually was.  

I of course left my good camera at home because I didn't want to carry it around all day (yes, it's heavy) but I decided to go with my baby Canon...we got there and it was dead.  My phone was the only option I had left, thank goodness it takes some alright pictures or I would have been mad, at myself for choosing to leave my good one behind.  

The fire had been lit and the smoke was rolling, can't you tell?

Both boys had to cook their own lunch for a change.  I think they appreciated it a little more after sitting next to a blazing fire while the temperature outside was around 95 degrees.

Being instructed on how to shoot the bb gun he was about to get his hands on.

Waiting for Christopher to get those instructions and head back to the breezy side of the trees because it was just plain old hot.

Picking up the bb gun the way he was taught.

Line it up buddy.  I think he hit the target but those things were so small that I couldn't tell.

Happy that Daddy arrived mid instructions and gave him some shade under that nice visor.

Making his survival bracelet with Daddy.

Finding out that the spark that blew his way actually burnt him and put a nice little hole in his shirt.  No, he wasn't pouting, he was trying to look down at his burn.

Bracelet weaving with Daddy.

The second snail we tried to hook as bait.  He looks mad!!  Those little "eyebrows" actually moved around and it looked like he was shouting at us.

Christopher fishing with his baby crab on the hook.

Madison hooking up the hermit crab that so kindly gave up his life so we could catch a lot of nothing.

That's it for now, I'm not so good at remembering everything that has been going on.  I suck at blogging constantly although I have my moments.  Have a great day everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Not sure when I will get to see everyone again but will be glad when you are all back stateside! Love the pics!!
