Monday, November 19, 2012

Wow wow wow.....

August 12th, the last day I blogged.  I didn't realize it'd been 3 months but hey, I've been busy.  I'm not sure what that "busy" part consists of but it does involve 3 children, a lawn that's overgrown most of the time because of the weather here in Guam, a house that needs cleaning constantly and a family that needs to eat.  I've been busy taking pictures and loving that part.  As of now we have about 6 months until we are heading back out to the United States, the real United States, not a "territory" of it.  Somewhere with a Walmart, a REAL Outback Steakhouse and people that think that know what "Open at 9:00" means (that doesn't mean open at 9:23).

The kids are growing like crazy and so are their attitudes.  At least I know their brains are up to par with their bodies and that they are advancing like they should.  It's hot here, yes, still, and it only rains every once in a while.  I am so excited for Thanksgiving to get here that I can't stand it.  I am ready for this holiday season because once it's done, it's the new year, then after that it's only a few more months until we leave and then we get to spend some time in Idaho and Montana before Glenn leaves Guam to meet us up there.  I'm ready to get some family pictures and spend some time with everyone that I haven't had the chance to in a while.

Alexander just said he "a little bit" wants one of the Tom Bergeron bobble head dolls that he's giving away on America's Funniest Videos...that's my boy.  I really don't have anything much to say right now so I'm going to watch AFV with the family and get ready to edit more pictures. :)

1 comment:

  1. Bet you didn't know I would check! LOL Just thought I would haven't in a while and lo and behold you did blog! Love you girl! Have a happy Thanksgiving!
