Friday, January 11, 2013

Dieting or getting healthy??

So if you've seen my facebook post from a few days back you know that when Glenn gets back from this short deployment we will be starting the 30 day paleo challenge.  He said he will eat what I make and I am going to try to make meals that are actually appetizing and delicious so that we can stick to it for 30 days with no cheating.  No, there aren't any cheat days allowed in the version of the challenge that we're doing.  I'm hoping that we will get into the vegetable and fruit thing after these 30 days and try not to eat as many cookies and snacks that we tend to munch on.  It will be healthier for both of us as well as the kids because yes, I am going to make them eat some of the meals that I make.  There are some that I know they will most likely not have the taste for but others will be just fine.  I hope I don't go through fake sugar withdrawals.  I will post before and after pictures after we are done and hopefully you will be able to see a big difference.  

I have also signed up and started the biggest loser (they call it biggest winner this year) challenge at the gym.  I have to go to a nutrition class once a week on Monday evenings and Tuesday and Thursday evenings will be the days I go to the team workouts (because without the points I get from these things, I will not be eligible to win on my own).  I have only missed one of the MWF workouts at the park since starting the Monday after Thanksgiving.  They do cross fit up there and I have to say it's super tough most of those mornings but I feel so much stronger.  I can actually do the standing box jump onto a 2 foot box now!  I was so proud of myself that when Jessie and I went to the gym, she and I both tried the slightly taller box and were both able to get onto it!!  I think it was about up to my thighs!  I had to do a minute test of push ups and sit ups for the challenge and a mile run.  I did 20 push ups (yes, real push ups) and 22 sit ups in those minutes (this was after the cross fit workout at the park earlier that morning) and my mile run time was 9:53.  Under 10!!  In order to win you have to have the highest percentage of body fat loss and improvement on all 3 of the above tests.  We'll see how I do.  We are going to officially start the 30 days on the 20th of this month after we have all the groceries and supplies we need to get going.

On another note, Alexander had his first sleepover last night with his buddy Sam and had a blast.  Christopher can bust out about 15-20 pull ups on the pull up bar we hooked up in the hallway (and I still have yet to do 1) and Madison is a machine on the pull up bar as well.  They are growing so fast!!  Only 128 days until we will be back in the states and we'll be able to see how much all of their cousins have grown!!  I know it's going to go by slow some days and then other days will seem to fly by, particularly the days that I need to last longer.  Right now Glenn is in Saipan and says it's just like a mini Guam.  I'm sure he's not excited about that!  We're over Guam and cannot wait to get back to the "real world".

So, I don't have any more news right now.  I'll leave you with this picture of my reluctant party-goer. :)

Peace out Dudes!

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