Saturday, January 19, 2013

Done with 3 days, 27 more to go

So far Glenn and I have done great on this Paleo challenge.  I feel super full most of the time and Glenn's getting there, it's because of the tastes in some of the meals that makes him not want to eat more of it...I will be changing some ingredients in the next few days.  Last night we had the paleo fajitas on romaine lettuce and they were so stinking good.  I'll be making those again and again, especially since they're easy for Glenn to take on the ship to microwave on duty days.  There was zucchini in the goulash that he didn't care for so we won't be making that again.  I made this stuff with cauliflower (turned into rice) and added onions, mushrooms and some chicken and apple sausage.....I would eat that for every single meal if it didn't take so much elbow grease to shred all of that cauliflower.  I'm thinking about adding shrimp the next time.  So far I've lost 3.5 pounds, I know, probably water but hey, I'm out of the 150's FINALLY!!!  Since that vacation in May I have let everything go and I'm sick of it.  Squishing into shorts that I fit into perfectly in the middle of May does not make me feel very good about myself.  Glenn's lost 4 pounds so far and he hasn't weighed himself for the past few days.

We all went on a bike ride/run (kids rode bikes, we ran) yesterday and sweated out almost every drop of water we had in us!  We took a turn on a back road thinking it would take us out a different route then it did....The kids had quite a bumpy ride in the neck of the woods we were in.  Today Glenn's changing the oil in both cars since they finally opened the hobby shop on base back up.  Little did he know that they jacked the prices up before they reopened.  Christopher is down at his friend's house for a Webelos thing, he is getting his pinewood derby car cut into the shape he wants for the race.  He'll have to sand and paint it after it's cut, then we will take it to the Den meeting on Thursday to get it weighed.  He was so close to winning the space derby I hope he wins this one.  The kids that do the majority of the work on their projects should win, not the ones with the dad that has the most woodworking skills.

Madison babysat a friend's kids this morning, we had to get up at 5:00 to make sure she was ready to be picked up at 5:25, waaaay too early but at least I was able to go back to bed since I kept waking up worried that I had missed the alarm and overslept, or that I wasn't going to hear the alarm or to go to the bathroom.  At least she had a good time and came home with some experience and cash.  Alexander did so good on the bike ride yesterday, he only complained once...yes, that's excellent for him.  He's the complainer in the bunch.  He earned himself some computer time after that long workout.   Tomorrow morning I think there'll be another workout at the park for me and then my ship shape class in the evening for the biggest winner challenge.  So far I've gotten all the points I was able to plus a few extras (5 max) for our team.  I wish Glenn was going to be here on March 9th to go to the final team challenge and results but he'll be away, again, with the stinking ship.  I'm hoping he'll be able to come home to some good news...Maybe I will win, you never know.

Other than that, not much has gone on here, the same old stuff happens day in and day out.  I should go get to cleaning the kitchen, I did make quite a mess with my cauliflower and fajitas and some of it is still there.  Have a great day everyone, so far we are. :)

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