Monday, July 30, 2012


After waiting longer than expected, we finally have our husband/daddy back in the house.  We headed out at about 8:05 this morning expecting to see them pull in but they were too fast and they got in faster than anyone thought they would.  We were only waiting for about 45 minutes and he was off the ship.  This happened so much faster than the last time when they were returning from Malaysia.  I got some pictures. :)

We had to wait under a little tiny canopy for a few minutes while it rained on our Daddy parade.  When it stopped, I thought I'd take a quick picture.  Alexander was the only one that noticed me.

This was the first side of their signs, they each decorated their own.

This was the second side.  Yeah, Christopher looked kinda mad...

A nice lady that was with the military media offered to take our picture together in front of the ship.  The wind was not being nice to my hair that I had straightened for this occasion.  

Find Daddy!!!!

He's not waving this time, just in case you didn't find him before.

Christopher was yawning, Madison was patiently waiting and Alexander was trying to figure out what they were doing about getting them off the ship.

He realized they were putting down a little set of stairs for everyone to get off.

Christopher got tired of waiting, started resting and was there long enough for a fly to rest on his back.  This reminded me of the hole in the bottom of the sea song...
"There's a wing on the fly on the back of the boy on the sign on the pier waiting for his Dad"  Haha.

There he is again...looking all handsome.


Even farther!!!!  Woohoo!!!

Showing daddy where the car is.

Super happy that daddy is home.  

We missed him so much!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Under a Week

So we only have to wait a few more days...well, less than a week, for Glenn to get home!  We're very excited and can't wait until he is finally home.  We're hoping he doesn't have to leave anymore while we're here.  We've been looking at orders for his next duty station but they don't look very promising.  We're trying to stay positive and wait for the 1st of August before we really get upset about the bad choices.

Today we have a "party" at the library for the kids and their summer reading program that they completed. Although they ended it on the 10th of July which isn't anywhere near the end of summer, I'm not so sure I get that.  It feels nice out today, like a beach day, but I don't want them to miss their reading party at 3:00.  We do need to go to the store to pick out a present for Alexander's friends' birthday party on the 28th and Christopher wants to look at the toys that are available in Guam for his birthday that is in 9 days!!!!  I can't believe he's turning 9!!!!!  He wants a Digger cake, a character from the new show Gravity Falls, and I will try my best.  I think I'm going to try a new technique I saw on Pinterest. :)  I'll be sure to post pictures too.

We still have Blondie here, nobody else has asked about meeting her to see about adoption.  I'm so sure that if someone met her and was thinking about adopting a dog they would absolutely love her.  I have to admit that it's tempting just to keep her to make sure she doesn't have to endure any more bad things in her life or have to move to yet another home, but I just can't.

So, that's pretty much all the news I have.  Here are a few more pictures from the paddle boarding we did a few weekends ago.

 Madison, Noah, Hunter, Alexander and Christopher, all anxiously waiting for their turn on the paddle board.
 Alexander waiting for the last rider to come in, I think his turn was next.
 Madison's first ride, she thought she should have goggles on just in case it tipped over.
Christopher riding on the paddle board.

Christopher and I ready for our close ups. :)

 Not a fan of the way the snorkel mask makes my face look but I love this picture of Christopher and I.
I did it without tipping over!!!

You should have seen the size of the hermit crab they found, they were gigantic.

 Madison giving Hunter 1 more ride before it was time to pack up.
 Alexander having a great time in the nice water.
 Madison asked me to take her out by myself.  We made it back without tipping!! :)
Christopher was loving this board.  He was so excited to give Noah a ride.

Ok, so the kids and I were bored yesterday....don't judge.

I know you just laughed after noticing what was different!!  Haha.  Thanks to America's Funniest Home Videos, we were no longer bored and we had quite the belly aches from laughing so hard last night.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Follow up...

The camera is lost along with the pictures.  I had planned on sharing some of them but that will not happen unless some honest person found the camera and sees my posts on the military garage sale sites and contacts me about it or someone knows someone that found it and is honest.  I'm thinking positive thoughts but unfortunately there are a lot of dishonest people in this world.

Today (Monday for us) we took Blondie (still the foster dog up for adoption) to the vet for her shots.  Little did we know that we had been fibbed to and that she tested positive for worms on her July 2nd visit.  We ended up with a bigger bill than we expected and I have now forfeited any and all birthday presents that Glenn or the kids would have gotten me.  The kids did decide that they wanted to get her a name tag though because she needed something after being so good with 3 shots, a temperature being taken, stool sample being taken the not so nice way...and drinking that nasty banana worm crap.

They thought this out, they picked the color and the shape.  They also asked me why we didn't get our number put on it...Nice try kids, nice try.  This can go with her when she gets adopted.  We will be in the Liberation Day parade on Saturday morning with Blondie on their Fur-Ever Kinda Love float I think and the kids are excited.  Christopher's more worried that there won't be seat belts.  I don't think he realizes that we will be moving at approximately 1.5 miles an hour.  We're still waiting to hear back to find out a time for that.

Tomorrow we have a maintenance man coming to fix the boys' closet (Christopher decided to hang on it for some reason) and that's between 8:30 and 9:00...I was shocked when she told me that time.  A 30 minute Guam?????  Wow, things are looking up huh?

I'm not sure if everyone saw this on Facebook so I thought I'd put it on here.  The kids and I are standing with Lucy the caribou that walks along the side of the road with her owner carrying (sometimes) 1-2 dogs who may or may not be wearing their hats and shades at the time.  It's one of the cutest things ever.

So Glenn will hopefully be home within a few weeks, can't tell me a specific day because a) he doesn't know and b) he's not supposed to tell me anyways.  I'm just glad to know he's in HI and that he will be getting to golf a little and be off the ship during the day.  It's kind of weird to know that he's walking around the same place we lived 9 years ago in HI.

That's pretty much all that's going on right now.  We went paddle boarding again yesterday after it FINALLY stopped raining.  I made sure we had everything on the picnic tables or near them so we didn't leave anything again.  

Here's one more picture, the one I have from this weekend at the beach.  Christopher is giving his friend Noah a ride on the paddle board.

It got dark way faster than we planned again and for the 2nd night in a row, we were putting our stuff in the car using the car headlights.  We discussed better planning for the future trips. :)  

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Another day done...

Ok, more like another few weeks gone.  We're patiently...ok, maybe not so patiently, waiting for Glenn to get back home.  Their "gas station" is nearby and they will be there only a few days hopefully.  We're hoping it doesn't take a long time to get here from there.  We're keeping ourselves busy, going to the beach, which just reminded me to look for my camera....(the waterproof one...not my big one) and now I'm not sure where that little guy is at.  Our friends brought their paddle board and I must say...I want one, pretty bad.  It was so quiet out there and you could see down to the bottom and it's so pretty and peaceful.  Not to mention that it's an entire body workout.  It's just an overall amazing activity.  The kids really liked it too.  We're most likely going to go this afternoon with them again.  I'll try to post pictures when I find the stinking camera.

30 minutes later.... Actually just went down to the beach after finding out that one of my kids had left it on the grass so it wouldn't get sandy...thoughtful but not helpful when you don't bring it back.  Not in the "continue posting" kind of mood right now...  I'll keep everyone updated after I try to find my camera.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Nothing Going On

There's not much going on here, we're just hanging around waiting for Daddy to get home.  We went to the beach for a little while yesterday but it started raining, we also forgot towels.  We still had a fun time while we were there.  The kids swam a little and caught about 15 dug dugs (hermit crabs) and let them go before we headed out.  We came home and got cleaned up for a 5 minute trip to the store for some cafe mocha and then went to the park that evening.  The kids were playing on the slide and playing basketball when it decided to start pouring.  We had walked so we were bound to get wet at some point.  They played in the rain with their friends Hunter and Noah and figured out that the slides were now water slides.  They shot off of that slide way faster than usual and had a blast.  Afterwards we all played a little basketball and the grown ups beat the kids.

Tomorrow there is a 4th of July celebration at the track down the street that we'll be going to.  There aren't any fireworks but it should still be fun.  I want to take my camera and am hoping that it doesn't rain on me. Maybe I'll just take my little one to be safe.  I think there are going to be quite a few bounce houses, food and stuff, games...we shall see.  We're going with Jessie and her family so that should be fun.

Last we heard Glenn's supposed to be heading home in a few days which is all I can write about that.  We miss him and want him back home.  We were told it should be before the end of July so we're excited about that.

Other than that, we've been trying to keep busy.  Madison and I are working on sewing a purse for her.  I made one for Jessie and she loves it.  The pattern was free. :)

Cute huh?  Madison picked out pink and teal, that should be cute too.  I'm trying to get better at sewing but the instructions are confusing sometimes.  I guess I could just google it. :)

That's it for now.  I'll try to get some pictures to post of the 4th of July celebration.