Sunday, June 11, 2017

Clearly I'm not cut out to be a Blogger....

So we got to see Trace Adkins and that was pretty awesome.  Madison was right in front of him.  I was hoping he would sing Arlington but he sang the Marine song for all the marines out in the audience instead.  I was great.

I did tell Glenn not to be alarmed, but that I think he was checking me out....he said he could have been checking him out too though....

Rota Feria 2017

We were able to pawn all the kids off onto friends and Glenn and I were able to walk around alone.  

Christopher wanted to win a pellet gun, we thought these were cork guns but instead...

he had to shoot toothpicks with tiny little metal pellets.

Look who won his pellet gun.  We made sure to put this in my purse because there had just been an "incident" the previous night that was all over the military Facebook page.  The incident was basically someone pulling out a pellet gun (which I will admit, looks real) but drama comes a little to easily to some military spouses.

The passage of terror haunted house that I refused to go in. No thank you.

Just look at this guy!  Doesn't he look freaky??  

So pretty with all the lights.

I'm not sure I would have wanted to see that electric bill.

This little guy lives at the place I got horseback riding lessons from.  His name.....

is Bacon.  

Rajah and I walked to the beach again with her frisbee.  When it gets dirty I tell her to go rinse it off and she takes it to the water and then shakes it.

Our pool finally got cleaned and took a week to refill.  I think it was more fun for Rajah when she could get in there and play.

Rajah and I went a different direction this time.  We went to the bridge instead.  Rajah wasn't as impressed as she is with the beach.

We had to take a touristy picture of her though. :)

So that's pretty much it for pictures.  Unless you want to see pictures of the kids doing homework or playing their phone/ipod/laptops, you get pictures of Rajah.  This summer isn't going to be as electronic as they think it is.  They only have 3 1/2 days of school left.  I actually don't know if you can call 3 hours of school a half day.  

We've got to plan a party this week for Saturday because Alexander is turning 12....our youngest child is going to be a tween...what the heck.  

So I had to quit horseback riding lessons for this month because Madison's car decided to crap out and ended up costing the amount of 2 1/2 months of lessons. *insert my very very sad face* But, I know how to be a responsible adult (at times) and I'm doing the responsible thing here even though the lessons were so much fun.  

I've got to make cupcakes on Wednesday evening for Glenn's office bake sale and then head right to the end of year award ceremony for the boys and Christopher's promotion ceremony to 9th grade.  

I started volunteering with the Red Cross here and have been taking pictures at a few of the events and I've also been transcribing a few of the interviews for the Veterans History Project.  Other than that, not much is going on.  I think I'm going to try to find a floatie today but that's about it.  Tough day, I know.  Everyone have a great day!

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