Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Yesterday I was almost topless in the driveway

Yes, you read that right.  I was almost topless in the driveway yesterday.  Why?  Here's what happened.

So I was going about my business, washing clothes, hanging them out to dry on the line which happens to be in the driveway.  I don't care for the amount of spiderwebs that are lingering about each and every time I go out there to take clothes down or put them up.  I'm always watching for the next spider to creep up on me.  As I am taking down the previous load to hang up the freshly laundered load, I notice something fall down my shirt.  I take a peek and see nothing so I go about my business. A few seconds later, I notice a sharp pain down my shirt and freak out.  I take another peek and don't see anything but I know what I felt, it must have been a spider bite.  I had to reach down and find that thing and smash it, and I almost thought I would need to remove my tank top and sports bra to find it but it turned out......the cocklebur came out of yeah, the neighbors were lucky and so was I, because I didn't have a spider down my shirt.

So this was today's walk.  Not bad considering my ankles hurt from walking in my sandals yesterday.  

 Rajah sure enjoyed it.  We went on the trail I found the other day when I accidentally walked 9 miles.  I decided to take Rajah with me to see where that trail ended up and she had a great time exploring and getting lost with me.

We weren't sure where this would come out at but we could see the bridge so we knew we were headed in the right direction to get back to the beach.

This, this right here is a whole different story....This tupperware right here had me a little embarrassed.  So I started to smell something in the kitchen whenever I'd open up the drawer right below the oven.  I started thinking that the oven must be leaking know, the ELECTRIC oven must be leaking a gas that it doesn't use.  After telling my landlord what I thought and having him check it out, I started to investigate.  Pulled the fridge out again, swept and mopped behind and under it, looked behind everything and nothing. Took the cover off of the baseboard area and vacuumed under there searching for something that must have died and nothing. Started thinking, well that's it, I'm going to wash every single tupperware in these two drawers and figure out what the Hell that smell is.  This is what I found while pulling the tupperware out of the drawer.  It came out a little heavier than an empty one.  Turns out, it had a lone chicken breast in it.  The one that I had asked one of the boys (I can't remember and neither one will admit it was them) to put into the container and then put in the fridge.  Apparently the drawer looked like the fridge at that point and there you have it.  No dead rat, cat, snake, nothing but a dead piece of chicken breast that decided to decay in the drawer.  Needless to say I did NOT open that container, I just threw it out.  That was nice.

Here's Rajah at the dog park from a few days ago, I think it was Monday.  I knew she was silly but I never thought she'd chase this thing and actually return it to me...well she did. 

Here's the video to prove that.

That morning her collar wasn't working so well and she was not listening so we went for a shorter walk than I would have liked to take her on.  That was the accidental long walk.  While on that walk, I happened to find a full unbroken shell for Madison, a giant shell that was full of sand and not a crab thank goodness and a semi-transparent shell.  I decided to send her a picture asking her if I should toss them or keep them for her, she wanted me to keep them.  

So I did, I put them in my shoes while I walked barefoot because I needed to let my right shoe dry a little after my little mishap at the back of the beach.  There just so happened to be a little stream in my way which I figured, I can jump over because it's only like 2 feet wide.  Well as I stepped onto that not so sturdy lump of sand and went to leap, it slid right out from under my foot like a mudslide and caused me to land right in that damn stream.  Oh well, my feet got a good bit of exfoliating from all that walking in the sand.  

Here's the beginning of the trail that I had found while walking barefoot and couldn't go on since I happened to have a wet shoe.

Thank goodness I didn't decide to go because that was a long way.  

So I turned around and went back to this pretty view and walked back home.

Tomorrow I won't be able to walk since I have to take cupcakes in to Glenn's office for a bake sale and get to the school for a ceremony that Christopher may or may not attend but Alexander was almost guilted into attending because he's been chosen to read a quote by his teacher.  I think it's because she wanted to make sure everything went as planned since she's the one that planned it.  Either way, I'll be busy in the morning.  

Friday we're going to see what's up with Alexander and his braces.  Maybe it will be best if he doesn't get them on that day since he is having a birthday party on Saturday.  He just wanted a pool party so hopefully the pool will be clean again by that point.  I'm going to try to remember to head to the pool store with a water sample so they can tell me what I need to put in there to get it to where it should be.  

Other than that, Madison has a hair appointment on Monday so she's excited since it's been a while since she's gotten a trim.  Have a great day.

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