Friday, February 24, 2017

The rest of 2016

These last few months of the year seem to have flown by, Madison and Christopher were both participating in golf with the school.

Unfortunately, Christopher wasn't allowed to travel or compete because he is still in middle school (it makes absolutely no sense to me) but Madison was able to make it to Europeans.  

She went to the Homecoming dance.

She put in a lot of practice time and during one of the tournaments, she got her first birdie.

I figured I'd make a few things with the pallets I'd been stocking up on.  Christopher had sanded down a bunch of the wood for me so I made this little guy,

This cute sign,

And this little guy.

Madison and I also made this treat toy for Rajah after I'd seen it on YouTube.  Rajah was only a fan of the treats, she got pretty upset that she had to work for them.  She decided to find a new way to get them out.

Some friends asked us if we'd like to go to the beach with them.  Rajah was invited too, so we all headed down there and she remembered once again how much she loved running around in the sand and the water.

Rajah's buddy Petey came over to stay for a few days.  She finally has another dog to play tug with!  She's kind of a bully though, she takes his toys from him and gets upset when he tries to get them back.  We're working on those sharing skills.

The kids and I decided to play a little bit of Mario, which is always a funny and sometimes maddening experience, especially when it's a multiplayer game.

I made some cut out props for a photo booth at the kids Christmas party at Glenn's command that ended up not happening because there wasn't enough participation.  So, these will stay in the craft box until next year and maybe we'll have a photo booth themed Christmas card, you know, since I'm so awesome at sending out Christmas cards. :) 

Rajah is still a lap dog, she likes to look you deep in the eyes to remind you of that.

Madison got invited to a concert by one of her friends that had an extra ticket.  I think she was kind of excited.

We're waiting in a line, a very very long line, so they can get into the concert.  I didn't realize how cold I was until later that night.

While we were in line, Justin Bieber decided to make an appearance in the building and I think Madison's friend almost passed out.  There were girls crying and screaming, it was pretty hilarious.

Apparently I can't put pictures in order anymore, but here's Petey just hanging out with Madison during his visit.  He loves to cuddle and he's such a sweetie!

When he's not cuddling, he liked trying out Rajah's bed, which she was fine with and he was obviously fine with too.

Rajah loves being next to the kids, he had some reading to do for school and he decided to multitask. 

Guess who made the A honor roll again!  Yep, Alexander.

Glenn and I went to his command Christmas party and the food was pretty good along with the company.

Rajah sure loves her Daddy and makes sure she lays with him any chance she gets.

I blew up my mixer motor while making cookies.  It was a sad day because I had just gotten this one for Christmas.

Glenn and I went with some friends to an olive farm and made olive oil!

For the grand finale of the year, we ended up making an impromptu trip to the states for Christmas since there were so many seats not being used on the flights.  Free trip?  Why not?!

I can't help but put her giant smile on here.  This might be one of the only times she grabbed that toy the right way and didn't drop it the second I picked up my phone to take a picture.

Enjoy your day everyone!

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