Friday, December 4, 2015

Another lady's post

Recently I read a post that someone had put on Facebook.  It looked interesting, I had some time and decided to see what it was all about.  I think it needs to be read by everyone.

After reading this, it put a lot of things into a somewhat different light.  No, I don't feel lonely and no, I don't feel like Glenn is putting his family on the back burner.  I feel enlightened and grateful that I have such an amazing husband and that he loves me back.

Sometimes we don't realize all the good things we have in life.  I'm going to list some of what I have.

A house to clean - because this means that I have a house to live in and that my kids do too.

Dishes to wash, which includes 20,000 cups (maybe a slight exaggeration but close) - because we have food to put on those dishes and a stove to cook that food in.  The cups come from my children being able to grab a glass and fill it with water that doesn't look like it's been bathed in like some children in the poorest countries.

A car to drive - I love my beat up piece of shit.  I don't have to worry about rain or freezing temperatures when my kids need to get to the bus stop because I have a car and money to put gas in it.

I have healthy children.  I see so many posts and articles about sick children that make me so grateful that all I wanted when they were born was for them to be healthy.  Glenn and I didn't give a damn if they were girls or boys, only healthy.

I have to email teachers about grades sometimes, but that is because my kids are healthy enough to go to school.

There are times I hate cooking because of the remarks that come from a meal that is not cared for.  Glenn has told me numerous times that I never make a big deal about the times they have raved about a great meal.  I only focus on what they didn't like, or what they complained about.  He's right.  I don't think about the times they go back for seconds or thirds because what I made for them was one of their favorites (and no, it wasn't cake for dinner).

It's time for us to focus more on the positive aspects in our lives and stop complaining about the negatives.  My life is amazing and I try each day to realize that more and more which is what a lot of us need to do.

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