Thursday, December 17, 2015

No pictures today

Lately not much has been going on that deserves much attention.  We've been preparing for Christmas, the kids have been getting ready for their two week break from school.  Glenn turned 40 and I had to borrow his truck to pick his present up today.  Although, he is going to have to help me unload it because it's just too heavy.

Glenn picked up a few pallets for me to try my hand at the reclaiming of old wood.  I do have to figure out how to get the damn thing apart first though.  They aren't kidding when they put those things together.  I felt like I had just got done working out when I tried to pull a board off.  I still didn't get it off either!

Rajah had an appointment at the vet to get her bump checked out.  Turns out, it was just a cyst and it's nothing to worry about.  She has been doing great on her walks and I even walked her without a leash the other day, until we got onto a busier street, then I made sure to keep her close to me.  She had a play date this morning with her buddy Stella.

We did get a Christmas tree this past weekend.  It's about 4 feet tall and not as full as you'd picture a good Christmas tree.  It came with it's roots in a bag so we can plant it after we're done having it inside.  It makes more sense than growing trees just so they can be cut down, sold and used for a few weeks just to end up in the garbage.

I left my mark on a wall alongside a street.  Well, not MY mark, my car left a mark.  The sideview mirror kissed the wall when another car came up the other way.  Oops.  The paint layers remind me of a jawbreaker, they have a few different colors piled on top of each other.

So, that's it for now.  I know, kind of all over the place.  Rajah is telling me she wants to go chase some bubbles so I better get out there and make some for her.

Have a great day everyone!

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