Thursday, October 15, 2015

Tour Bus Trips and Toothpick Trees

This is the way they go to school, go to school....You know the rest of that song.  It's not really so early in the morning though.  We don't have to head out until after 7:00 in order to get there on time, because we know the way now. :)  The kids don't mind riding to school in style.  Rajah knows what their bus looks like too.  She gets excited when it comes in the afternoon but not so much when she sees it leaving in the morning.  She gets sad when the kids have to go to school and she whines a little.  She does great at the bus stop with all of the kids now.  She lets the kids pet her as they walk by and one girl loves to give her hugs.  I'm proud of her for being so polite at the bus stop.  She hasn't barked at anyone there.  As you can see, she still sits like a little lady....hahaha!  Nah.  She's always been a little lazy when it comes to sitting up straight.  

This, is where toothpicks come from.  I'm sure of it.  I didn't take this picture but  I plan on taking a few of my own soon.  I joke around with the kids while we're driving by the toothpick tree down the road and say, "I have something in my tooth, can you grab me a toothpick when we drive by?"  Christopher thinks I must be crazy if I think he's going to stick his hand out the window towards a tree that looks like Maleficent made it magically appear to keep the prince out.  

The kids have been doing great and have adjusted so well here.  The boys love going to JAMS after school.  They play different games, ride skateboards, they can do their homework in the quiet room, and they get cupcakes sometimes.  I tell the staff there that my kids love it so much and that they are doing something right in there.  Not once have the boys complained that something bad happened there or that one of the staff members is mean.  Almost every time I go in there, at least one of the staff members is playing a game with a kid.  Whether it's ping pong, foosball or Smash Brothers, they are all having a great time.  I use it as bribery as well, like any good parent should. :)

See, she'll bring her ball to you when you tell her to go get it but she won't let you have it.

So last night I told Alexander to go throw Rajah's ball for her.  She likes to argue with him and backtalk.  She will bring the ball to you but as soon as you try to grab it so that you can throw it for her, she'll snatch it back up and run away.  Alexander didn't think that was funny, I did though, so I took a video.  As soon as Rajah saw me standing there she stopped arguing with him.  Alexander is doing his best to do work around the house so that he can earn enough money to buy a game that he wants to go with the 3DS that he just bought himself.  He's been asking me if there are any chores that he can do to earn some money, so I put him to work.  He doesn't like the manual labor type chores, well guess what buddy, they're pretty much all manual labor so suck it up buttercup.  You want the cash, better do a good job.

He was not fond of this chore at all.  He tried to get out of doing it like 5 times.  Not happening buddy.  You start something, you finish it.  I do think it's funny though that he thinks he's going to be able to stop doing chores as soon as he has enough money for that game.  Dream on little guy, dream on.  I'm thinking about making one of those work for hire boards so they can earn money without asking me what there is to do.  Here's an example of one.  I'm not going to try to make it all fancy because they don't care what it looks like, they just care that they get cash for their work.

Some of the other ones have baggies with coins in them too just in case I don't think the chore is worth $1 or more.  I think they're going to have a certain time to finish them though.  Once per week maybe.  If the dollar is gone, that means mom got to it first and you'll have to wait until next week to do it.  I smell some competitive behavior coming on.  

Yesterday it was pretty toasty outside so the boys decided to get in the pool for a bit.  Christopher has been working on teaching Alexander how to swim.  I think it's awesome.  The day we were all in the pool, Alexander actually swam over to my "raft" in the deep end, hung on for a minute and then went back over to the shallow end.  

Christopher has decided to be Freddy Krueger for Halloween this year.  He chooses his costume based on the accessories it comes with.  For the past few years I have made them make their costumes so I decided this year we could buy some.  Rajah does not know what to think of the Freddy mask.  The kids come around the corner with it on and she thinks it's them but isn't 100% sure so she is a little antsy.  It's funny.  One of these days I'll actually get a video that isn't pitch black so that I can post it on here for everyone.  

That's pretty much it for now.  Everyone have a great day!

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