Sunday, August 12, 2012

Tarzan Falls...

So here we are as we began our trek to Tarzan Falls.  The kids had been excited to go on this hike because they wanted to swim in the pool at the bottom of the falls. 

 Still heading down, as you can see there were trails, but some of them weren't the nicest trails you've ever seen.
 Some were pretty darn steep, but that just gave the kids an opportunity to slide down on their bums.

In addition to the sliding, they decided to run down....almost biffed it, but didn't.  Phew!
 Madison wanted to give it another go, so she went back up and came back down again.
 Christopher decided to mosie on down after making it past the tough part as Madison tried to surf down.

 Not sure if this was the half way point or not, probably not, we weren't very far, it just looked like a nice place to take a picture. :)
 She picked out this nice rock to pose on for me. :)
 On the way...
 What in the world???  We were jumping on rocks to make it to the other side of the stream.
 WE MADE IT!!!  That's Tarzan Falls.
 I'm not even sure what he was saying at this point, he was probably saying how cold the water was.
 Daddy was relieved we were there too, there was so much slippery mud and so many opportunities to bust your back down the mud slides, I was glad we were finally there for a rest too.
 The left side of the pool.
 Madison walking towards the falls on the side of the wall, the rocks didn't take her all the way there though.
 Christopher decided to follow anyways, he can swim now. :)
 Alexander decided to play it safe for a while,
 Good job keeping your mouth closed buddy, we don't know what's in this water...right now anyways.
 Thank you for taking the picture Madison. :)
 She wanted to take her shoes off...for the bazillionth time Madison, nope.
 That waterfall was pretty darn chilly, it still felt pretty good though.
 Yep, still cold.
 Getting a free shoe wash!  They needed it much more after the second round.
 She had ventured to the other side of the falls and found some rocks to sit on.
 Swimming back to eat some lunch.
 He opted out of the under the falls picture but decided to sit on the rock right next to it and get his picture taken instead.
 Dear Madison, this is why we didn't take our shoes off....See that little orange thing?  That's a flaming hot cheeto, see those claws hanging onto it with dear life???  That's a shrimp, there were tons of them in there that we noticed after throwing in more cheetos, some bread and some hot dog...and that's not all we saw.
 See that black thing in there that looks like a dark leaf?  That's an eel, yeah, he came out after we did and I don't think any of us got back in the water after that discovery.
 The rock on the other side of the fall, we decided to head that way on the way out.
 I think Madison was taking pictures for me now.  I love my Christopher.

 Yep, definitely Madison taking pictures, I don't think I could have done this. ;)
 Just a look at the second part of the hike, I thought we were lost in the jungle for a little bit.
 I told you our shoes needed the shoe wash more later didn't I??  These are Alexander's and this is what everyone's shoes looked like.
 So we washed them again.
 Then we made it back to the top, well, semi-top.
 Here's one of the pretty flowers along the way.
 It was a little tougher going up than it was going down.
 Just when you think you've climbed your last hill, there's a GIANT one ahead of you.
 But we made it, and I had enough energy to get in front of the pack to take a finishing up picture.
 They felt very triumphant that they had accomplished that hike.
 He looks pretty happy and pretty tired.
 They were comparing their wrinkled up feet.  Here's Alexander's...
 Here's Madison's...
 And here's Christopher's.
 Afterwards Glenn had the best idea ever and decided to get everyone an ice cream sundae to finish off the hike.  We all earned them. :)  Madison was loving pun intended with the whole McDonalds song.
 He really enjoyed that sundae.
 Yep, so did he.

So that's my story for today even though it's from a week ago.  That's how I roll, you know that by now.

Things are going pretty good around here.  We still don't know where we're going next, I now dislike quite a few people from his ship, the lawn is finally mowed again and I was able to use the weed eater without breaking it again, Blondie's potential home is in the works, school's about to start which then leads to my weight loss/running starting back up again because this is ridiculous and there are no excuses for the weight I have gained in the past 3 1/2 months and I can't wait to see how the new sneaks feel. :)

We hope everyone is doing great and enjoying their summers.  Have a nice day.


  1. More than one way to get rid of the kids excess energy! Looks like it was a fun day. Great story in pics. They are worth a 1000 words! Love to all!

  2. I love the pictures. Looks like you all had a great time. It was nice to see you in the pictures for a change, instead of behind the camera. Miss and Love you guys
