Thursday, June 21, 2012

More pages...I'm kind of behind

The first one is part of the Disney trip...I really can't figure out if I just want to have some pictures in here or make them all into a separate book as well.....maybe just a small one I think.

2nd disney page that's making a debut in my Project Life book for the month of May.

I think this page will end up getting pushed back farther than 17 to make more room for a few more May events but we'll see.  We celebrated Alexander's birthday a few weeks early because Glenn had to leave to meet the ship in Portland, OR.  We are patiently...sometimes not so much...awaiting his return.  We don't like it when he's away and I don't think there is any getting used to it.  It's never easy for him to be away either and that's a good thing, that means he's a good daddy and husband and he misses his family as much as we miss him.

This was one of the easiest pages ever even though I am never good at the journaling part.  The pictures aren't the problem although I should get better at just taking more on a daily basis and not just on certain occasions.  

I'm tired, I'm going to bed, it's late.  Tomorrow is supposed to be a get together at the beach day with some people from down the road.  We'll see what time we make it.  I'm thinking we should go and maybe I can drum up some business. :)  I just don't like too many kids at the beach when mine are in the water.  Overprotective mommy is about to step up to the plate in the morning.  Goodnight from plain old regular protective mommy for now. :)

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