Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Exactly 1 month...

I did not plan on waiting a whole month to post but it happened.  A lot has gone on since I last posted anything.  We came home from vacation, Glenn had to leave, the kids graduated to the next grade at school and have began summer vacation, we celebrated Alexander's birthday early (because of Glenn having to leave), we've been to see a few movies and the boys have been signed up for a flag football clinic.  I know, that's the short version of the past month.  Other than that, we've been eating too many no bake cookies (yes, I know I need to quit making them) watching out for the birds that live in the tree on the way to the mail box and the kids have actually tried to get them to swoop at them...crazy if you ask me.  

Glenn's been gone for a few weeks now and we don't like it anymore than we did the first time he left.  We're making do and waiting for him to get home.  The kids have been enjoying the free time they have during the day.  They earn computer time and tv time by reading.  We have signed up for the summer reading program at the library on base and the kids are doing pretty good so far.

We volunteered at the animal shelter for a few hours the other day and we will be going back sometime next week to help out again.  We fell in love with a few of the animals but I will not let myself fill out the adoption paperwork.....I will not let myself fill out the adoption paperwork....Yes, I'm saying that more for me than for your knowledge of it. :)  There are some pretty stinking cute animals there. 

We're going to head to the exchange in a little bit and get hair cuts for the boys.  Other than that, today is going to be a lazy day until flag football practice at 5:30.  After that, we'll be having Subway for dinner.  

That's pretty much it for now.  I'll try to post before another month goes by. :)

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