Monday, June 25, 2012

It's only been 4 days!!

I'm back again and I can't believe it's only been 4 days since I wrote last.  I don't really have anything to write, just pictures I wanted to post.  I am trying to get caught up on this book and realized that I have many more pictures from previous months this year that I want to get in also.  I'm going to be backtracking a little bit.  Here's a few more pages. :)  As you can see, Madison had her first dance on the 1st of June.  She was asked to go by a boy down the street.  I dropped her off and picked her up, she's not old enough to be going anywhere with boys.

The kids have the best time going places with Daddy.  They love going to the driving range with him.  He shows them the right way to hit and they try so hard to hit it the way he shows them.  He showed Alexander a trick to make sure his back was straight by putting your club behind your back while reaching over your head.  He kept doing that, bending over when it was straight but the minute he took the club down he was right back where he started.  He was so intent on using that trick though that he didn't care.

So far the kids are enjoying summer.  We haven't been to the beach too much but the kids have been playing outdoors quite a bit.  We got a new game called Saucer Scramble.  It's a game where you have to catch flying discs as they come shooting out of the machine.  It's a very fun game and the kids love it until I stop playing and they begin to push each other out of the way to catch the flying disc.  Other than that, nothing much has been happening here except for reading, new movies, park visits and missing Daddy as much as he misses us.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

More pages...I'm kind of behind

The first one is part of the Disney trip...I really can't figure out if I just want to have some pictures in here or make them all into a separate book as well.....maybe just a small one I think.

2nd disney page that's making a debut in my Project Life book for the month of May.

I think this page will end up getting pushed back farther than 17 to make more room for a few more May events but we'll see.  We celebrated Alexander's birthday a few weeks early because Glenn had to leave to meet the ship in Portland, OR.  We are patiently...sometimes not so much...awaiting his return.  We don't like it when he's away and I don't think there is any getting used to it.  It's never easy for him to be away either and that's a good thing, that means he's a good daddy and husband and he misses his family as much as we miss him.

This was one of the easiest pages ever even though I am never good at the journaling part.  The pictures aren't the problem although I should get better at just taking more on a daily basis and not just on certain occasions.  

I'm tired, I'm going to bed, it's late.  Tomorrow is supposed to be a get together at the beach day with some people from down the road.  We'll see what time we make it.  I'm thinking we should go and maybe I can drum up some business. :)  I just don't like too many kids at the beach when mine are in the water.  Overprotective mommy is about to step up to the plate in the morning.  Goodnight from plain old regular protective mommy for now. :)

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Exactly 1 month...

I did not plan on waiting a whole month to post but it happened.  A lot has gone on since I last posted anything.  We came home from vacation, Glenn had to leave, the kids graduated to the next grade at school and have began summer vacation, we celebrated Alexander's birthday early (because of Glenn having to leave), we've been to see a few movies and the boys have been signed up for a flag football clinic.  I know, that's the short version of the past month.  Other than that, we've been eating too many no bake cookies (yes, I know I need to quit making them) watching out for the birds that live in the tree on the way to the mail box and the kids have actually tried to get them to swoop at them...crazy if you ask me.  

Glenn's been gone for a few weeks now and we don't like it anymore than we did the first time he left.  We're making do and waiting for him to get home.  The kids have been enjoying the free time they have during the day.  They earn computer time and tv time by reading.  We have signed up for the summer reading program at the library on base and the kids are doing pretty good so far.

We volunteered at the animal shelter for a few hours the other day and we will be going back sometime next week to help out again.  We fell in love with a few of the animals but I will not let myself fill out the adoption paperwork.....I will not let myself fill out the adoption paperwork....Yes, I'm saying that more for me than for your knowledge of it. :)  There are some pretty stinking cute animals there. 

We're going to head to the exchange in a little bit and get hair cuts for the boys.  Other than that, today is going to be a lazy day until flag football practice at 5:30.  After that, we'll be having Subway for dinner.  

That's pretty much it for now.  I'll try to post before another month goes by. :)