Monday, May 21, 2012

Going good

Things are going good here. We have a few days left in the USA before we return to the other side of the planet. We have seen the Hoover dam, the Grand Canyon, went to Bearizona, Disneyland, Sea World, watched the Avengers in an awesome Vegas theater, won and lost on the Las Vegas strip and jumped off of the highest building West of the Mississippi. :) So far it has been a great trip, we are thinking of hitting up Legoland still as well before we leave. Kohl's is definitely on the list too!! I have to go listen to Glenn and Laurie argue playfully....this oughtta be good.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

new page...

So I decided to do this interview with the kids that I saw on a website.  These are getting kind of funny.  Sometimes the answers I get back are hilarious and other times they are great.  I like how Alexander said that he likes to spend his time "happy".  

I think the next page I do will be from our vacation.  I was going to start getting pages together so that I can load them up with awesomeness when we get back. :)

I have a maternity session tomorrow night at the beach.  It is for Christopher's coach and his wife.  She's due on the 21st of May.  I offered to take them for her for free and all she has to do is refer me.  Obviously things haven't been as steady as they were a few months ago.  I think when we get back I need to do what Glenn said and do a promotion with 50% off of the session fees.  It's not like they're a ton anyways but still, a deal is always a good thing.

We are so ready to go to Disneyland!  That's it for today.  Have a great day.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Page 13...I guess I get what I ask for...

So I had to follow Heather's idea on the writing prompts.  I hope you don't mind Heather...
I gave the kids the list and Alexander was more than happy to complete it for me.  Madison and Christopher on the other hand, not so much.  I gave them their lists 2 weeks later to do because they were finally willing to do it.  I also gave the kids a card to write down something they'd like to remember from April.

Here's Christopher's last baseball game.  Alexander was supposed to have his on Thursday but the coach thought the field was wet because of the light rain that we had on this base.  The field ended up being bone dry and the game was cancelled for no reason.  We'll have to pick up his medal from the CDC down the street from here.  After the game there was a cookout that the coaches had set up.  It was so hot it was nice to get under the tent they had to cool down a little.  Madison found a new best friend in a dog there and was loving on it.  After most of the crowd left we helped with the cleanup and headed home.  The sun wiped us out and we ended up doing nothing for the rest of the evening.  Well, I made more pages but other than that, nothing.  

We watched Captain America last night before bedtime and the kids are ready to see The Avengers.  Today we don't have a lot planned which may be a good thing because it's raining outside and Glenn has duty.  We will be taking him dinner tonight but other than that, just hanging out here and thinking of what we need to pack.  It seems like the weather in CA should be good during the time we're there but I will be taking jeans just in case.  I think I should get Christopher a pair to wear since he's grown so much since we've been here.  None of his jeans look like jeans anymore, they all look like capris...I'm not trying to make him look like a girl, although the Japanese men around here wear them ALL the time.  

I am so ready to leave Guam for a little while.  Glenn deserves a break from working too.  He's been working for like 40+ days with like 3 days off. :(  Outback Steakhouse here we come! :)

Friday, May 4, 2012

New Page...Easter...FINALLY

So, I have to say this quick, I'm not too happy about the new setup that blogger/blogspot whatever it calls itself has changed to.  Why can't people just leave well enough alone?!?!  Ok, here's the new page. :)

I can't say that I'm 100% impressed with my pages but I'm just okay with them since they're done.  I don't know why having so many pictures to choose from overwhelms me.  I want to put them ALL in there somehow but can't.  I think I just have to limit myself.  Not on the amount of pictures I take but the amount of pictures I use for the pages. :)

So 5 more days and we head to CA for some Disney time.  I'm hoping to get some new family portraits too. (hint hint Auntie Heather)

So today Christopher had his last baseball game.  Here's his team.

After the game the kids had a cookout.  It was soooooo hot at the game.  I'm going to try to get working on another page, maybe. :)  Have a great day everyone.