Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Love Me Some Moose

Tuesday rocks, it's Moose night here. :)  I love their chicken wings! 

Today the kids and I went up to Aunt Holly's house to learn how to make her snap bags and hobo bags.  Well, ok, the boys watched movies and played and Madison and I learned how to make stuff.  I can't believe how fast those things go together.  The hobo bags take a little while longer but once you get going it seems to move fast.  We're going to go back on Thursday I think so we can finish up the one I'm making, make one more and then tie Madison's quilt. 

It was so hot out today!  It got up to 95 degrees and it was ok as long as we were in the car with the AC blasting. :)  We came home from dinner and the kids decided it was time to play outside which is great.  Papa thought he needed to give Nani a drink with the hose so the kids thought Nani needed to get wet.  Not just a little wet, like soaking wet.  They dumped buckets of water on her and each other.  They had a great time unless they were getting water sprayed in their faces or buckets dumped on them after they were pinky promised that they wouldn't get one dumped on them. 

The kids are still up and it's after 10:00, I should probably get them to bed.  At least I know they'll sleep in until they're ready to get up or until Abby's ready to get them up.  I do have to say though, Abby's been doing a great job of getting into bed with them instead of licking their cheeks until they wake up.  She's finally beginning to realize that her sleep is more important than waking them up so they can bother her. 

Two and a half more days to go and Glenn will be back up here with us.  This weekend we'll be having a picnic with a bunch of family members we haven't seen in too long and unloading some more stuff out of the "give to people along the way" suitcase.  Woohoo!  We're lightening the load and we'll have an empty suitcase after all is said and done.  It won't be empty for long though, I have to put some of the other stuff in there.  I don't pack light, that's one of my traveling downfalls.  Maybe one of these days I'll get better at that.  Obviously not this time though. 

So that's pretty much it for today.  We're just hanging out and visiting until it's time to head out again.  I hope everyone is having a great summer so far. 

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you are having a great visit. Keep the kids exhausted! LOL
