Monday, September 28, 2015

Finally, it's happened to me...well, us....

WE HAVE INTERNET...yes, at our own home.  We no longer have to mooch off of the library, the pool or Pizza Villa's internet services.  To top this off, Madison turns 14 today!!!  No, I can't believe it either.  She has requested that I make a cake that my bestest buddy from Guam made.  Devil's food cake with reeses cups and peanut butter frosting.  For dinner, she would like me to make my best attempt at Outback Steakhouse's no rules parmesan pasta.  Not having a vehicle puts a damper on that one but I'll be sure to make it tomorrow.

I did ride Glenn's bike down to the grocery store Dia Maxi to get some butter for her cake and toilet paper though!  Man oh man am I out of shape.  I thought it would be a breeze, you know, not even a mile on a bike should be super easy.  Well, first off, I think it's much more than a mile, maybe like 1.5 miles... ;)  Second, when blowing up the tires makes you tired before you even get on the bike, that's the first hint at the need to exercise a tad bit more.  Thank God I realized that I only had a bike and a backpack before I started piling things in the cart.  That would have been an adventure and a long walk home.

So, here are a few things that have happened since I last posted using borrowed internet and these may or may not be in order but whatevs. :)

We went to the NEX and I found a few rugs I think I like... Anyone have a preference?

Madison tried on a mask Christopher found and I really really wish she would be this guy for Halloween.  Shoot, maybe if they won't, I will.  I think we'd have to give out a lot less candy this way since most kids would probably run away after I opened the door.  I'm not really sure they trick or treat out in town anyway.

Christopher found the guy he wants to be for Halloween.  He always picks the costumes because they have cool props but hey, he looks good as Freddy so I can't disagree with him this time. :)

Someone parked this close, yes, THIS CLOSE, to me while I was driving Glenn's ginormous truck.  I swear to you there was about a half a foot in front of his truck.  Good thing I thought ahead and left myself 1-2 feet in back.  That one took some maneuvering and quite possibly a 20 point turn as well.  I felt like a champ once I got out.

Madison and Christopher are still crazy.  The water was not as warm as they make it look that day.

I was able to make a cup of coffee in my own coffee pot!!!  Hooked up a transformer, plugged in my Keurig and let her rip.

Rajah loves the new "open door policy" as Madison called it.  She likes to guard the house even though there's a giant wall around it.

I blew up the giant beach ball with my own air, because I love my kids, not because I love feeling short of breath.

We went to the drive in theater on base.  Madison was with us, she just took off with a few of her friends to watch the movie.  We saw The Scorch Trials.  The back of the truck isn't so bad when you have mattresses in there and the tailgate down.  Next time we're bringing blankets though.  

Glenn hooked me up with a glass of wine after helping me blow up my 50% off floatie that I'd been waiting to buy.  I made sure we had a house with a pool and then went and got it for $5!  The same floatie is on Amazon for $15.99 so I feel pretty thrifty.

Madison borrowed my goggles since they were the only pair that seemed to get put in a box by themselves.

The boys cooling off.  Alexander actually swims now, I think having a pool in our backyard is going to be great for the kids.  

Rajah is practicing her "lay by the fire" naps for when it gets cold enough to need one.  Yes, we will move her bed a little.

Do you see something in the distance?  

It was Alexander, I let him walk to and from school all by himself...I know, big step.  Took some getting used to but he's 10, it just took me a bit to realize that.

Madison watching the other golfers on the driving range after practicing a bit.  Note the glove sticking out of her back pocket...she gets it from her daddy.

Glenn and I left the kids at home for a grown up dinner.  We went to The Cabin a.k.a. La Cabaña which ended up being right down the road from our new house after moving here!  Yes, it's just a coincidence, we didn't pick this house just because it was by a restaurant.

Jalapeño poppers happened here, but something was different.

Madison made them all by herself!  I was only there to micromanage. :)  They turned out awesome!

I played copycat to Heather J. and got an Instax Mini 8 camera.  This thing makes you very picky on what you take pictures of.

Rajah found herself a temporary Papa replacement since he wasn't here to spray the hose for her.

She loves the sprinkler!

As if you can't tell.

Madison played in a golf tournament for the school team.  She lettered in it the very first day!  Here she is getting the ball out of the sand trap like a boss.  She gets that from her daddy too.

As you can see we've had a pretty busy few weeks.  We've been working on unpacking the house, putting things where they go and then doing it over again after we realize that's not where they should have gone.  We actually made it to the bus stop after getting lost again this morning.  The bus stop is down the road but the roads around here are more like mazes.  We'll have to pay more attention to the street names because I'm not sure getting lost every morning is on my list of things to do daily.

We're still waiting for our dresser, footboard and one leg of our coffee table to be delivered since they were damaged during the move.  Poor Madison's had to share her bed with me and Glenn's been sleeping on the couch.  

I've been hanging clothes to save on electricity and the kids are absolutely flabbergasted as to why I haven't been using the dishwasher.  I want to travel, I'm saving money so we can do just that.  We'll be getting our passports soon hopefully and I want to make sure we're able to use them.  

That's pretty much it from here.  Have a wonderful day everyone and I'll post again soon!


  1. So happy your posting and I love the updates. Happiest of birthday wishes to my darling niece. Miss you guys!!!

  2. Love the pictures. Miss you guys so much!!!!! Happy Birthday to my princess Madison hard to believe she is 14!!!
