Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Alexander nada!

                                                                                                            September 5, 2015

So the other day, Madison wanted to go to a movie and the boys wanted to go to the pool.  I took the boys to the pool while Glenn got to go see an amazing movie called Paper Towns….He did it for Madison.  After Alexander had been in the pool with Christopher for a little bit he asked me to fill out the permission slip so that he could take the swimming test.  In order to go down the slides he has to swim across the pool once.  So he headed out in pursuit of the blue bracelet.

Look who’s got themselves a blue bracelet!  He went down the slide once, unplugged his nose on accident and got water up his nose.  That was the last time he went down it that day.  We haven’t gotten back to the pool since then because school started up the next day.  We will need a house with a pool so that they can all learn how to swim better.  Speaking of houses, we’re still on the hunt for that ‘perfect’ one.

                         Alexander taking the swim test.             Alexander sporting the blue band!

Sunday we ventured out into the town of Rota in search of a restaurant.  We found tons of them, all of which seemed to offer nothing but seafood.  Man oh man, this is the perfect place for seafood lovers but we’re not into it that much.  We may need to explore more of it just to find some that we like.  During this day of exploration we ended up getting caught in the rain, after the weatherman said there was a 0% chance of rain….trust has been lost in that guy.  We were able to find some baby trees and take shelter until Glenn noticed a larger spot right next to the bank.

After the rain stopped we headed back out still searching for that perfect restaurant.  By this time you would think we were starting to death since it’s been 2 hours and still, no lunch.  Nope, we got some ice cream as a small tapa to tide us over.  Afterwards, we finally found a place called Burger-Ton.  Not the authentic Spanish cuisine we were looking for but it filled our bellies.  On the way back we found the beach and a nice walkway.  I think I might have to spend some time there to make sure it’s okay for the family. ;) 

During a day of the class Glenn and I had to attend we got to go on a field trip.  We went to the fish market and now I want to get a recipe to cook some clams and figure out how to filet and cook fresh fish.  Maybe I’ll just have them filet it…I’m still not sure about that one.  A giant clam did spit at me though which made me jump since I thought they were all dead.  Afterwards, we went to a beautiful church and a castle that has been turned into the city hall.  At the city hall they introduced us to tinto de verrano and boy is that stuff delicious!  It is their local wine with some orange soda.  Yummy.  When I went to look at a house with a lady I talked to her a bit and she told me how to ask for tinto de verrano con limón or con blanco.  I believe I just might need to try these as well. 

That’s it for today.  Have a great day!!

Walking along the beach in Rota finding our way back home.

They must have wanted something, they all sat and smiled the first time they were told...
I mean asked to. :)

Super cool pier type thing I want to walk on and take pictures one day.  

Sorry this is so late.  Making sure I have my computer everytime we go to the library is tough because I never know when we're going.  Love you all and have a great night.  I'll try to post more when we have internet in the house!! :)

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