Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Love Me Some Moose

Tuesday rocks, it's Moose night here. :)  I love their chicken wings! 

Today the kids and I went up to Aunt Holly's house to learn how to make her snap bags and hobo bags.  Well, ok, the boys watched movies and played and Madison and I learned how to make stuff.  I can't believe how fast those things go together.  The hobo bags take a little while longer but once you get going it seems to move fast.  We're going to go back on Thursday I think so we can finish up the one I'm making, make one more and then tie Madison's quilt. 

It was so hot out today!  It got up to 95 degrees and it was ok as long as we were in the car with the AC blasting. :)  We came home from dinner and the kids decided it was time to play outside which is great.  Papa thought he needed to give Nani a drink with the hose so the kids thought Nani needed to get wet.  Not just a little wet, like soaking wet.  They dumped buckets of water on her and each other.  They had a great time unless they were getting water sprayed in their faces or buckets dumped on them after they were pinky promised that they wouldn't get one dumped on them. 

The kids are still up and it's after 10:00, I should probably get them to bed.  At least I know they'll sleep in until they're ready to get up or until Abby's ready to get them up.  I do have to say though, Abby's been doing a great job of getting into bed with them instead of licking their cheeks until they wake up.  She's finally beginning to realize that her sleep is more important than waking them up so they can bother her. 

Two and a half more days to go and Glenn will be back up here with us.  This weekend we'll be having a picnic with a bunch of family members we haven't seen in too long and unloading some more stuff out of the "give to people along the way" suitcase.  Woohoo!  We're lightening the load and we'll have an empty suitcase after all is said and done.  It won't be empty for long though, I have to put some of the other stuff in there.  I don't pack light, that's one of my traveling downfalls.  Maybe one of these days I'll get better at that.  Obviously not this time though. 

So that's pretty much it for today.  We're just hanging out and visiting until it's time to head out again.  I hope everyone is having a great summer so far. 

Monday, May 30, 2011

Glenn's On His Way

So Glenn's on his way home, or whatever you would call a hotel you're staying at for the next 4 nights.  He'll have 3 more days of school and then he graduates on Friday.  He'll be heading back on up here afterwards to stay for the next few days for visiting.  We will try as best as we can to see everyone but we'll have to be in the car for like 38 hours after that over the next week or so.  We're going to try to get things for the kids to do on the way because being in a car that long is NEVER fun, especially for kids that like to run around all day long. 

I'm pretty sure we'll be hanging out with Aunt Holly within the next day or so to learn how to make hobo bags and snap bags as well as finish up some quilts that need to be done.  I think we may be going to a movie with the kids.  Now that all depends on how good the kids are and that is always up in the air. 

That's pretty much all that's going on right now.  We went to meet Gary and Pat yesterday so the kids could go fishing.  Christopher and Alexander caught a fish and Madison was very upset that she did not catch one.  I tried to let her catch one that was on my hook but she declined.  They had a great time though. 

I'll post more when there's more to post about. :)  Hopefully I'll get some pictures on here too.  We'll just see about that.  Have a great day everyone.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Nothing really exciting to report

So there's nothing really new going on.  We're still here in NY for the time being.  Glenn will be heading back to RI on Monday to head back to school for a few days and then his quick graduation on Friday.  He'll be heading back up here after that to spend some time here too.  As far as the dates go on when we will head out to other places, we're not super sure right now.  We've got some stuff to go through and hand out to the right people along the way and we need to make sure that we send the right uniforms back with Glenn to wear for school. 

We went to Uncle Gary and Aunt Pat's camp ground last night and the kids had so much fun playing with Jacob and Cody.  They ran around until 11:15 and were out cold before we even got out of the camp ground driveway.  We're not sure what we'll be doing today but the sun is coming out and it's turning out to be a nice day.  I hope it stays that way.  We'll need to go get Madison some sandals today because she grew out of her other ones. 

So that's pretty much it for now.  I'll keep everyone updated on what's going on and where we're headed.  Have a great day everyone.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Made it

So we made it safely to New York and got out of the house leaving it cleaner than we found it. I have to say thanks to my friend and the kids for working so hard helping with the cleaning. Now we will just need to wait for the deposit to be safely returned to us. :) There's not much to report yet except for that we are here. I'll keep everyone updated during our trip to Seattle. As far as we know we fly out on the 28th of June.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

For The Road

This blog is for the time we're on the road and in transit to wherever we're going.  I'm not going to promise that it will be updated all the time but I will sure try. :)  I just wanted to get it set up so that it will be ready to go when we are.