Sunday, October 16, 2016

Summer is Gone

A whole summer has gone by since I have posted and that's just sad.  I tried to do better, but I've failed.  I will try harder but I will make no promises.

A lot has gone on since the last post, a lot.  After Nana and Papa left we made plans for the kids and I to head back to the states so Madison could go to her next Drive, Chip and Putt competition and also try to get our house rented out again.  So we headed out, we got to Matt and Teri's house and Madison practiced quite a bit.

When it was time to go, Madison and I headed out to PA and she got ready for her big day on the course.  Daddy decided to send her a few good luck messages for her to read on the day of the competition.  These were the 3 balls she got to use during the three different events.

This was the course she was at, it was a very nice golf course.

When all was said and done, she won second place in chipping, first place in putting and fourth place over all.

Afterwards, we headed back to Matt and Teri's and hung out there for a little while during the time we were trying to figure out what was going on with the house.  We went down to the house so Christopher could play with his friends and we could meet up with the property manager since nothing else was panning out and it just happened to be the time that our friends' cat down the street was going into labor.  We got to see her have three cute little babies!  Taco became a mama!  Alisa's kids were all amazed and we were so excited to be able to be there with them when this happened.

Alexander liked hanging out on the couch waiting for Hailey to come out of hiding so she could get patted down.

Madison on the other hand, decided to take matters in her own hands and make Hannah love her lovins.  

After we "solved" the issue with the house and got it all "taken care of" by property management, we were all ready to get out on the flight from NJ back home.  Good thing we got a message the morning of saying that it sucked our flight was canceled.  We headed down to VA and decided to try from there.  We didn't have any luck that day so we stayed with our friend until the next available flight to try for.  We headed to BWW for dinner since we weren't going to have any if we were able to make it back to Spain anytime soon.

We went to the movies for my birthday (since we didn't make it out, again) and this theater was awesome.  The movie was great too.   

Since we were in VA for a while we had to do some laundry.  We headed to the laundry mat.  There just happened to be a Ms. PacMan game there!  Of course the kids had to practice for the next time the Gray and the Johnson families get together for a Thanksgiving again and have their annual Ms. PacMan competition again.  

Staying in an empty house is fun for about one night, so you have to improvise.  When you find headlamps at Walmart you can play games in the dark.  It's crazy how scary a house can be when the lights go out.

You know what happens after summer is over.  Yep, the first day of school.  Here they are.  Rajah wasn't sure what was going on again.  

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