Saturday, May 7, 2016

Happy to Report

So, I'm happy to report that I'm down 10 pounds since the last post that I have made.  I have been working out every week day and eating much much better than before.  I have recently cut out all sugar and most carbs and have had great results.  I have noticed that I am doing better in my spin class and can kick it up a notch, I can actually get up to level 15 for a few seconds instead of keeping it on 11 when Frank says to give him 2 more levels up.  He's crazy, but he's a great motivator.  My friend Christina is an amazing motivator.  I look over when we're pedaling hard and I see her legs looking all blurry, so I speed up.  Workouts are what you make them.  It takes me time to realize that when I'm about to throw up but, hey, you have to learn some how right?

Not much has been going on around here.  The whether has been warming up quite a bit, the sun's been shining and the weather forecaster has been saying it's going to rain a lot for the past few days.......we're still waiting on that heavy rain.  I had better bring the clothes in from the line before it happens.  See, this is what happens when the weather man is always wrong, I hang clothes up thinking, he was wrong the past few times, why won't he be wrong this time?  But alas, my clothes are hung on the clothes line with care, with hopes the rain won't be there.  Damn weather man.  He has lost my trust, all of it.  Now I have to rewash the load on the line.  I'm sure I'll trust him again in the near future too.  Oh well, we live and we learn right?

So, You heard Alexander was in the Spelling bee not too long ago right?  Well recently he was in the Math bee as well!  He came in 6th out of 30 kids.  Not too darn shabby.  I was proud of him just for making it INTO the math bee to begin with.

We are awaiting the end of the school year.  June 16th is when Glenn and I sadly, but officially no longer have a child in elementary school.  Nope, they're all in middle school or higher.  On one end of the adult spectrum, I think, wow, we've got kids that are old enough to come home and possibly (I said possibly people) make their own meals if they needed to......But, on the other end, I think, oh my gosh, our kids are getting old enough to do things on their own and they won't need us as much as I need them to need me/us.  They are becoming....duh-duh-duuuuuuuuhhh....INDEPENDENT......No way.  I am not old enough to have children that don't need their mommy anymore.  I am not ready.  It's hard enough for me to let the boys go to the next block over to see if their friend can play, let alone embark on a journey without me.  Although, we did let Christopher go to Feria with a friend from down the street so I think that was a big step for me.  Let's hope they don't push it.

The weather is warm, the pool has started to get cleaned and the lawn loungers are looking more and more attractive to me as the days roll by.  I'm thinking I need to order myself a nice pool lounger for those, unable to bear the heat, days. :)  I hope everyone has a great day and I will try to post more sooner rather than later.