Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Making a List....

Yep, I'm making a list, but I'm not checking it twice.  It's my dang grocery list.  I do have to say it's kind of nice not having a ton of fast food restaurants around here but not on the nights when I don't have anything set out to thaw or any idea what we're going to have for dinner.  There was one night I had to throw stuff together so I took out some polska kielbasa, egg noodles, green and red peppers, an onion and some asparagus I had other plans for but didn't feel like looking up the recipe again.  I threw the noodles in a pan to cook while the sausage and onion sautéed a bit in some olive oil, then I added the rest of the cut up veggies, sprinkled it with some cracked black pepper, salt, seasoned salt and some garlic powder and let it cook until the veggies were somewhat soft.  It's been a big seller around here after that.  Well, the kids hate the veggies.  Maybe one day I'll cut them up so small they can't pick them out (yes, I make them eat a few of the veggies).  Christopher has requested that they make the meal they learned as a group to make in Maryland.  http://www.plainchicken.com/2011/11/chicken-crescent-squares.html  That's the recipe I was able to find that was the closest to the original.  The only thing missing is a few cut up chives added to the mix.  This makes me want to make a chicken pot pie.  I might have to look into that now.  I'll let you know what I come up with. :)

It's getting pretty chilly here during the days, nights too probably but I try to stay in my bed.  The kids started school back up again yesterday so they weren't too excited about that.  Neither was I, mainly because that meant I had to start waking up at 6:45 again.  I did wake up 30 minutes early Monday to get a quick shower and make sure I had no excuses (like unshaved legs), and ended up driving the kids to school and went right to the gym after dropping off a few games Madison and I sold.  She's been doing great going through her stuff and selling the things she doesn't use, or that hang out in the bottom of a drawer.  She did put a bunch of her books aside to sell and she's made quite a bit of money.  She's on round 2 of saving up for her macbook pro.

I busted out the MeeMaw sticks again.  When I do that, Madison breaks out the crochet hook and we go to town.  This time I tried crocheting again, I watched a you tube video this time.  Much easier to learn that way.  We're going to try to make some boot cuffs and Madison can make a few bucks that way too.  We also learned now to make traditional granny squares!  Not sure how to put them all together yet but we're still miles from that step.  We've only got like 5, and they're super amazing....I mean it.

Christopher has his last few football games this week and then it's playoffs.  I have to say, I like the tackle football better than flag football.  It's just more exciting.  He's going to sign up for basketball next.  I love it when they do sports, but not that it takes 4 of my 5 weeknights for practice and games for a few months.  I'm just glad he's enjoying it.  Madison will be signing up for softball when that season rolls around and Alexander will need to pick something, anything that can be considered an active sport, at least once every year.

Well alright then, I just searched through this little ol' brain for something else that anyone might find interesting but I couldn't think of anything.  I hope everyone has a great day.