Saturday, May 10, 2014

I'm not so good at this....

I'm not even going to try to remember what's been happening for the past year plus.  I think most of it has been on Facebook anyway.  So I'll just start with things I can remember off the top of my head, recent things.  Christopher has got 3 more games of flag football as an Eagle and then summer vacation is just around the corner.  All the kids are excited and they have been counting down for a few weeks now.  The kids saved up and bought themselves a trampoline, again, probably on Facebook but just in case you didn't know, now you do. :)  All 3 of them have been keeping their grades up and working hard just to make it to summer.  Christopher found out about Santa/Easter Bunny/Tooth Fairy...the list of little white lies goes on and now he knows the secrets of my magical footprints and the reason why Marty the Elf had different answers to the questions he just had to ask.  Darn my memory for forgetting how big I said he was 2 years ago...

We've got a game to head to this afternoon and then I think we're going to hit up Red Robin for some burgers since that's what I want for Mother's Day.  Yep, pretty simple, just a burger, planting flowers with my family in the front of the house and for someone else to make the yellow cake with chocolate frosting that I have had in the pantry for about a month now.

Rajah has been growing just like the kids, a weed.  Thank goodness we don't have to buy her new pants!  The kids cleaned out their closets and I swear, the older 2 need a whole new wardrobe!  It's amazing how fast they grow without even knowing it!

New stuff that you may already know, Madison and I have become a mother/daughter team selling Origami Owl jewelry.  She's learning how to balance a checkbook, save half of her earnings and figure out how much she has to spend along with just how long it takes to save money...good stuff.

My mind is blank, I need more coffee now.  I have decided to save a little money by using the reusable k-cups and folgers coffee grounds for a while and it's just not as fast...or strong in my opinion.  I need some of the jet fuel k-cups to get me through the rest of the school year I think.  Maybe I can just make some sort of coffee cookies for myself...I do love my cookies.  Speaking of cookies, I need to start running again.  I use weather as an excuse, probably will until I die but I'd rather it be later than sooner, so I need to kick myself in the butt and get to running before I'm so unhealthy that this upcoming winter of holiday foods and cold weather might put me into a true food coma.  So I'll leave you with some pictures to take your minds off of the fact that this post is so scatterbrained and does not have any sort of flow to it at all.  Have a great day!

Alexander had a lovely view right?  This is what you get when you hand your 8 year old your camera.

And this is also what you get.

I think he almost made me pee my pants on this ride he had me laughing so hard.  

Tea Cups at Busch Gardens.

Frolicking in the snow that is not being missed right now.

Cold guy.

Self instructing herself to do a little bit of everything gymnastic.

Rajah is just the spectator.

Yep, she can do these things...I think she's related to Gumby.

One armed handstand while mommy is trying to bust out a flippin' headstand that she's obviously struggling at.  Rajah the self proclaimed EMT is worried in the background.

Waiting to go in.

She sure loves her bubbles.

Their awesome trampoline tricks.

This is MY indestructaball!

The daddy mack didn't make these guys jump, mommy did so she could take some pictures. :)

Still loving those bubbles.  She tries to cheat just like Nani used to.  She just cuts out the middle man, a.k.a. the actual bubble, and goes straight to licking the bubble wand.

Peace out from Madison!